Best Buy Offers Disappointed HD Owners Complimentary 50 Dollar Gift Cards

Well as you may already know, the format war is over! I bet there are a lot of you jaded people out there that are pissed that you spent tons of money on HD Dvds and the atrociously priced HD player, only for the software to be discontinued.  Well, Best Buy is offering you guys a reward…..sort of. gives us this news:

In this case, anyone who bought an HD DVD player from Best Buy before February 23, 2008 can request a complimentary $50 gift card for each player. For those too traumatized to even look at their discontinued hardware and software, Best Buy also announced it’s adding HD DVD players and media to its Trade-In Center program, starting March 21. No word on how much a player can net you, but once it’s updated, check to get an estimate and decide how much holding onto the past is worth.

Wow, this reminds me of the days of the Betamax/VHS war. I remember my parents were furious when the Beta player got discontinued. It’s nice that Best Buy is offering a free complimentary card, however, if I had an HD DVD player, I think I would wait for the the Trade-In Center. Fifty bucks is better than nothing, however, it’s probably about 1/20th of the cost of the player itself.

This is why I never bothered to get a Blu-ray/HD player. I remember when the DVD player first came out and it was a thousand dollars. Also, the DVDS were about 40 dollars each. Now, you can easily get DVDS and DVD players for under 20 bucks.  Patience is a virtue and I suggest if you don’t have a fancy sound system or big screen TV to enjoy the full experience, just wait a year or two.  (But that’s just my advice!)

So, are there any of guys who have felt the wrath of Blu-ray/HD format war?  Tell us what you think of news!

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8 thoughts on “Best Buy Offers Disappointed HD Owners Complimentary 50 Dollar Gift Cards

  1. ya blu-ray definetly had more tech than HD, it had way better audio and video quality just take a sec and look up the numbers, it also had like twice the capacity!
    plus my br player is a ps3 like the majority of ppls br players since its the cheapest br player around! so updates are no problem!

  2. I never had a HD player but have a PS3 and all I can say is that the quality of films is ten to none plus being able to update at any point there’s no need to worry about 2.0 players.

    Hail to Blu-ray…Bill Gate scan go suck!!!!!

  3. BTW, CIB3K is spot on. If you’ve got a a BR player before version 2.0, you are screwed. Some don’t have ethernet ports. HD had that from the get-go, so updates were automatic. I have friends that can’t play new BR discs on their old ass players. It might look good – just as good as HDDVD – but in no way, shape or form is it currently the better technology. People that say that either (a) don’t know shit or (b) are holding a Sony exec’s weasel in their hand…very tightly…and with zest and joy.

  4. Are you serious, Alex? You can’t be. Pretty much everyone on the planet that knows anything about “tech” was in HD’s court. Blu-ray simply had more studio support. Nothing more. Personally, I think Hollywood hates Microsoft and because Old Bill supports HD-DVD, they decided to bend the boys in Redmond over and pound them in the ass. I think HDDVD looks fucking fantastic. I have a player. I have a shitload of DVDs. I’ll keep my player and when Blu-ray goes down in price, I’ll pick one of those up. Yeah, that’s right. I’m all about wiping my ass with my own money, baby!

  5. good thing i got blu-ray,
    i still dont know why it took so long for HD to die, it had no where near as good of support as blu-ray did from studios and blu-ray beat it in pretty much all categories tech wise!

    blu-ray looks sooooooooo much better than dvd, its like comparing vhs to dvd, but i think the jump between dvd and blu-ray is probably bigger!

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