Taylor Kitsch Cast As Gambit

Taylor-KitschWell, it looks like Gambit will be joining Deadpool on the Wolverine cameo train. We get wind of this casting from our friends at IESB:

We’ve been hearing whispers for the past few days that Wolverine won’t only feature an appearance by fan-favorite Gambit; the role’s already been cast. The IESB has been able to confirm with studio sources that Friday Night Lights star Taylor Kitsch will be playing Remy LeBeau.

So there we have it. We will see Gambit for sure, and it looks like an appearance from Deadpool as well. Now I don’t mind a few short cameos, but the reason a stand alone film appeals to me is because we will have an opportunity to really focus on one character of the X-Men. I want to spend time in this film figuring out what makes the berzerker tick as a person, I do not want to see him shaking hands and introducing friends for future franchise opportunities.

I have never been into the character Gambit. I dislike his headband and the throwing of playing cards has always bothered me (for no good reason). I think if I could make stuff explode with kinetic energy – eggs would be my object of choice. You get to add insult to injury, and it is October 30th every time you fight crime.

Despite my lack of love for Gambit, he is a very popular X-Man and it was only a matter of time before he was brought on board. I am not sure the Wolverine stand alone picture is the best platform in which to launch him – I would have preferred X-Man 4 but we will wait and see.

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14 thoughts on “Taylor Kitsch Cast As Gambit

  1. (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)They didn’t want to bring Gambit to the Xmen movies before because they knew he’ll take the spotlight away from wolverine, and they wanted the movies to be all about him, they practically took some of his bad-boy personality into Wolverine,

    Now that they see how much they’ve pissed the fans, are bringing Gambit to make more money, almost everybody is sick of wolverine at this point, come on! Do we really need a movie about his past? the other 3 xmen movies were already all about him!.

  2. i love gambit he is my favourite marvel character and i think he should of been in the x men movie but now he will be in the prequel and i doubt there will be another x men movie cos cyclops xavier and jean grey died so no x men 4 movie

  3. SXOT i said the same thing about sawyer ever since the show came out…..lol

    i dont know if this is good news tho… im not too excited about this movie…..i still dont think jackman makes a good wolverine, i mean he looks like him, but i dont know…..but deadpool and gamit do have me interested. ill wait for a trailer…

  4. @ mozzerino
    i couldnt agree more. i thought this was a wolverine movie and i asked- i think john- if this was an x-men movie or a stricktly wolverene movie (he never got back) so i tolod my self it was just wolverene
    but now im stunned- gambits in it? does that mean the rest of the x men are goin to be in it? i have no clue.
    and whoever sayd gambit and wolverene have characters too similar HAVE to be high on crack

  5. i like both the writer and the director attached to this movie so i hope marvel will leave them alone to make a good movie and not go forcing a bunch of mutant cameos in the way of the movie they want to make.

  6. I think Gambit is a great character.
    I think they chose a decent young actor to play him.
    I think I will expect to see some exploding cards and some action with the bo.

    I think the character has zero business in the film.

    As the news goes on (which Doug didn’t mention) is that Kitsch suppodely signed on for a three pic deal as Gambit. So I’m thinking…cameo in Wolverine…then he shows up in the next two to three X-Men pictures.

  7. So now we have Gambit, Deadpool, Stryker, Sabretooth and Silver Fox in a Wolverine-movie. Will Logan be featured in that movie also?

    I don’t get this AT ALL.
    For all the previous installments of the X-Men series so far, the producers were always asked in interviews:
    “Why isn’t Gambit in it this time? He’s such a popular character!”
    And the answer was ALWAYS the same:
    “Well, we thought about it, but in the end we decided that Gambit is a character that in essence is too similar to that of Wolverine, so it didn’t make sense to have him here.”
    That’s what they said when X2 came out and with X-MEN 3 it was the same.
    So why have Gambit now in a WOLVERINE movie?
    Even more so, Remy LeBeau, doesn’t even play a part in any major Wolverine stories. What’s his justification for having him in that film?
    This is madness, plain and simple and I hope it turns out to be a rumor.

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