Microsoft Did Not Bribe Paramount To Use HD DVD

The internet is glorious in it’s ability to democratize information, opinion and influence. However, everything in existence (no matter how good) has a down side. Take for example this issue of the allegation that the reason Paramount and Dreamworks went exclusively with the HD DVD format in the current HD civil war is because Microsoft (one of the major backers and developers of the HD DVD format) bribed them with $150 million to do so.

This rumor got repeated so many times that a lot of people just started to accept it as fact. But the truth is it’s bull. It never happened. Then more whispers get started when Michael Bay (who I will forever be grateful to for the great job he did on Transformers) started telling people the only reason Microsoft is backing the whole HD DVD system is to keep the HD Disc issue in confusion for the public so in a couple of years they can just get everyone to switch to digital downloads. This is also false:

Microsoft provided no financial incentives to Paramount or DreamWorks. Michael Bay’s additional comments about our commitment to HD DVD are similarly unfounded. We have major technology investments in HD DVD…and have more than 100 staff at Microsoft dedicated to the success of HD DVD.

Jordi Ribas, GM of the HD DVD Group at Microsoft

Movie Blog reader Daryl also sent me a great little article over at Gizmodo which talks about why the HD DVD format is still around, and why it’s a BETTER system and stands a much better long term chance of survival. You should really check the article out.

Personally I don’t care. I’m not switching to either HD format until one universal format is agreed upon.

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10 thoughts on “Microsoft Did Not Bribe Paramount To Use HD DVD

  1. didn’t transformers have an xbox in AND disturbia.. both of which are on hd-dvd.. microsoft’s main interest is seeing sony fail, apparently shia labeouf is in on it! ;)

  2. Hey Peter,

    John never said Bale dropped the ball. All I said was that he’s too skinny for Batman. I never said it was is fault, or the studios fault… I never suggest anyone was to “blame”… I just said he’s too skinny.

  3. I would like to address John Campea’s comments on Bale not putting on enough weight for THE DARK KNIGHT. Bale did not drop the ball. Pick up the latest issue of Wizard magazine. There is a great article on THE DARK KNIGHT in there; it explains why Bale has lost a little weight for this role: Lets just say it has to do with speed.

  4. Just because Jordi Ribas said something doesn’t make it true. I’m not saying what Bay said is true either, but PR people lie to cover their company’s ass.

  5. I don’t have a blu ray player…hoping that will change after xmas but I do have an HD DVD player and holy shit the picture really is amazing. Some films just blow your mind……
    Like say what you will about King Kong (i like it) the hd dvd looks fucking beautiful. the picture is incredible. I also have The Road Warrior and I am seeing things i never noticed before…just little things like flies buzzing around his head etc etc but the film looks brand new. I love the new formats.

    I certainly have no personal beef with blu ray just because I have hd dvd though. Some people take this whole format war so personally its insane.

  6. It will be interesting to see which side prevails. I’m format neutral so I don’t have a vested interest in seeing one side win over the other. I went originally with HD DVD because the hardware was cheaper and the player had analogue outputs which saved me from upgrading to a HDMI capable receiver.

    Then again I choose Betamax at one time too….

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