Serena’s Top Ten ‘Over-Hyped’ Films

death-proof.jpgOur own John Campea has been bugging me since I began writing on the site to do some ‘top ten’ articles. I thought today was the day to try it out and put myself in the firing zone for a change. There is something that always bothers me…..overhyped films. Now, I’m not talking about films that create buzz before they come out in theatres and they end up being garbage. I’m talking about the movies that critics, your family and friends LOVE….then you watch the movie and ask yourself if you saw the same movie, because it was NOTHING like you thought it would be. Usually people keep their comments to themselves, (especially if they’re fresh on rotten tomatoes) and pretend they like the same movies majority like, just to avoid debates and confrontation. However, I on the other hand am not that bright, and have decided to shock readers by telling them how I found that certain beloved films, were overhyped in my opinion. I’m expecting a lot of feedback…(mostly negative) Just remember, my list is subjective, so be kind. :P

10. KNOCKED UP– Am I the only one out there that thought this movie was not as hilarious as everyone else made it out to be? Seriously, I just watched the movie for the first time yesterday, and found myself only laughing out loud a couple of times. It was more of a drama than a comedy in my opinion. I much preferred ‘The 40 year old Virgin’ and thought the film ‘Nine Months’ was a much funnier film about a couple having a baby.

9.THE DEPARTED-Gulp….yes I know a lot of you want to kill me right now for putting that on my list, but I didn’t think the movie was bad. In fact, I agree that it was one of last year’s best films. The only reason why I’m saying that is because last year really SUCKED for quality cinema. I enjoyed ‘The Departed,’ but I didn’t think it was amazing. I also didn’t think Jack Nicholson was robbed of a Oscar Nomination either. (That’s right…I said it!) *These comments are definitely going to make people forget about John Campea’s remarks about how the original Halloween sucked.

8.HOT FUZZ-This was a movie I was looking forward to for months. All of my friends who had seen it, told me it was hysterical and better than ‘Shaun of the Dead.’ So I watched it…and everyone around me was in hysterics except for me. I just didn’t think the humor worked as well as it did in ‘Shaun of the Dead’ and found it moved really slow at times. I did appreciate the nods to Dario Argento and loved the “underage teenagers drinking at the pub” bit, but I just didn’t understand what all the “fuzz” was all about.

7.HUSTLE & FLOW– ‘Hustle and Flow’ is actually a movie I liked a lot. Terrence Howard has been my favorite actor for a very long time, and I loved the fact that he was nominated for his role as Djay, the Memphis rapper/pimp. The only thing I didn’t understand was how almost everybody I knew who had praised this film. I had seen it on DVD and thought it was a good film, but so many others had seen it in theatres and made it seem like it was better theatre experience than ‘Jurassic Park.’ So even though I really liked the film, it was nothing like what I thought it was supposed to be. (Although…that’s not such a bad thing.)

6. THE BRAVE ONE-I was so excited to see this film. I had heard tons of good things and I love both Jodie Foster and Terrence Howard. Good thing I loved those two actors, because they were the best things in the entire film. It was another film I felt moved too slow and was not as entertaining as ‘Death Sentence.’ (As ridiculous and over the top that movie was)

5. DREAMGIRLS-I think this choice is one that most will agree with. The critics kept raving about the movie, and when I watched it, I thought the only unforgettable prescence of the film was Jennifer Hudson. The movie lacked any real character build up, and was nothing compared to a film directed by Robert Townsend in the early 90’s called ‘The Five Heartbeats.’ (One of my favorite films still to this day) That musical about a band loosely based off ‘The Temptations’ had heart and soul, which is something I felt ‘Dreamgirls’ lacked.

4. WEDDING CRASHERS-Every person I know think ‘Wedding Crashers’ is one of the best comedies ever made. When I watched this film, the only truly funny bits I found were when the crashers (Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn) get to the house. All events before they arrive to the house and after they leave the house I found not that great. (Although I do think Isla Fisher was gold in that movie!)

3.THE OTHERS– I remember everybody telling me I had to see ‘The Others’ and how scary it was, and how surprising the twist ending was. So I went to see it and was bored through out the entire film and found out the twist ending was exactly like ‘The Sixth Sense’s’ twist ending ( a film that came out 2 years before this one) half an hour into the film. This was the day I vowed never to let a non horror fan recommend a scary movie to me ever again. :P

2. LOST IN TRANSLATION-One of my former boyfriends had made me watch this movie with him despite the fact I wasn’t interesting in seeing it. This movie was honestly one of the most BORING films I had to ever sit through. My ex got mad and he said I didn’t get it. (A phrase many people say when you don’t like something they do) I got it. I got that the film was about culture shock and connecting with a person who feels just as isolated and alone in a foreign country as you do. Did I care? NO! I read years ago when the film was first released that Roger Ebert said if audiences didn’t like the film that they were basically morons. Well….give me my DUNCE cap please!

1. DEATH PROOF-I love Quentin Tarantino. He is by far my favorite director and has inspired me to take up writing when I was little. So, I was one of those people who was ecstastic to see ‘Death Proof,’ and after reading all the good reviews for the film, I was ready to be blown away…boy, I was wrong!! For the exception of limited screen time of Kurt Russell, I found ‘Death Proof’ to be a boring film full of needless dialogue of women talking like they’re Samuel L. Jackson. For people who felt my pain, DO NOT watch the extended version. (It’s even more brutal than the theatrical.) If you must see the lapdance Vanessa Ferlito gives Kurt Russell….YOUTUBE it!

So there’s my list…AIM, SHOOT, FIRE!! :P

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66 thoughts on “Serena’s Top Ten ‘Over-Hyped’ Films

  1. I completly agree with you on Dreamgirls, Death Proof, and The Others. I have to disagree with The Departed, Knocked Up, and Wedding Crashers. I actually think that Departed was the best movie of 2006 so I think it got enought hype.

  2. I picked up on something in your post that I think relates to the reason you didn’t find some of the movies appealing. In most every one you list, you mention that “someone hyped it up”. It’s been my observation that whenever someone tells me something is awesome, best movie ever, I have a hard time relating to it on the same level.

    A lot of the movies you list, I could agree with you on for the same reasons and they were all hyped up to me before I watched them. While I think most of the films you listed here were “good”, they in no way struck me as “The Best”.

  3. That’s right, I forgot, no one’s allowed to post opinions on this site. Certainly not SUBJECTIVE ones. Oooooooh, I said something negative about CITIZEN KANE and APOCALYPSE NOW! Get over it, I also freely admit to loving GIGLI. Don’t you think I’m punishing myself enough over that? Would anyone care to step in and back me up on this one? John? Serena? And get your own name. Mine’s taken, several times over.

  4. The other james taylor, don’t post again, your list is ummmm I can’t attack someone here so just try and think of what I think of your list. (Apoc, Citzen, Unforgiven….are u nuts?)

  5. Can we make a cartoon about a girl blogger who sits at home and decides to write an article about movies that are over hyped and then she realizes that she has been bogged down with so many opinions and suggestions about what to see that maybe she should have seen the movie when it came out and not wait until it’s on dvd. At least you checked out the brave one…

  6. i agree with you on the “wedding crashers”, but the “departed” i loved it, didn’t care for the ending, but it was good to me. i liked “hustle & flow” a lot. i would replace it with “ali” i know it’s old but i thought it was very boring. i would rather have watched a real documentary on ali. i agree with a previous blogger about “sideways” what the hell was that about? i would also list the critically acclaimed “the squid & the whale” that was worse then “sideways”

  7. I would probably disagree with the movies on that list that I’ve actually seen. The others I didn’t see because they didn’t look all that great. The Departed in my opinion was amazing, nearly as good as the movie on which it was based, Infernal Affairs. I thought since no one else really did, I’ll put forth my list.

    1. CITIZEN KANE – Just because this movie got made despite the immense forces trying to stop it, doesn’t mean it’s a good movie. My respect for Orson Welles is through the roof, but I just didn’t think the movie was all that interesting.

    2. BORAT – Didn’t laugh once at the movie, just at someone elses reaction to the “naked fight scene”.

    3. APOCALYPSE NOW – Best part of this movie was Marlon Brando who was hardly in it. Movie was too long and had little action for being a movie about the war.

    4. CROUCHING TIGER,HIDDEN DRAGON – I don’t know if it was the actors, the dialogue or what, but I just didn’t think this one even compared to the old martial arts movies I used to watch or masterpieces like Hero.

    5. FLAGS OF OUR FATHERS – This one I’m pretty sure was because I was expecting a war movie and didn’t see much of one. Had I known what I was walking into I may have come out with a different experience.

    6. MOULIN ROUGE – Just a terrible movie, granted I’m not the biggest fan of musicals(my favourite is the musical episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer if that gives you any indication).

    7. CHICAGO – Similar reason as above, except for it being a terrible movie, I just hated every character. Every single one. Great singing though.

    8. BEING JOHN MALKOVICH – This one I just didn’t think was funny. Nor did I get the reasoning behind making Cameron Diaz so unattractive. Best performance was probably by John Malkovich himself but that unfortunately wasn’t enough.

    9. UNFORGIVEN – Maybe I have to watch this again but I just didn’t like the story right off. Clint Eastwood is more hit than miss but there are several westerns that are way above this one in quality if you ask me.

    10. FARGO – Once had this on my “worst movies I’ve ever seen list” which is pretty harsh since I’m tolerant of most movies. Just thought this was too twisted and distasteful for me.

    Not that it was my objective but I bet this takes some heat off Serena. lol

  8. “Putting up a list like this does take guts… because you always get flamed for saying what is unpopular.”

    I’m still lost on this. Is it because you get your feelings hurt? I didn’t realize anyone really held much stock in ‘flaming’. After all, isn’t it simply the equivalent of a name calling match in a school yard? Please tell me you guys have tougher skins than that. What DOES take guts? A gay person coming out to their conservative family. A doctor telling a parent their child has passed on. A politician speaking out against an unpopular war…I could go on and on. But i’m sorry, to say that posting a top ten list of ‘over-hyped’ films on a blog takes guts is quite ridiculous.

    You also said:

    “There is a HUGE MASSIVE difference between debating an issue (ie. I disagree with your list because A, B and C) and saying stuff like “you’re stupid if you think that” or “you obviously don’t like interesting movies”

    One is debate, the other is school yard nonsense”

    Whoa, a double reference to school yard nonsense! In this case, I think it more appropriately applies to hurt feelings due to flaming rather than Kurt’s comment. Either way, in regards to this comment, I don’t think Kurt’s wording was as harsh as your examples above, but I won’t speak on his behalf as to whether it was his intent.

  9. John Said:

    “There is a HUGE MASSIVE difference between debating an issue (ie. I disagree with your list because A, B and C) and saying stuff like “you’re stupid if you think that” or “you obviously don’t like interesting movies””

    I hope this is not lobbed at myself, as right below my initial comment, I plopped in 750+ words of why I think people misunderstand (which may or may not lead to berating…) Tarantino’s latest, Serena’s #1 Over-Hyped Film…. Hardly was my original post conceived without explanation or thought put into them. –It surely was not meant to be condescending which is how a reader may interpret something–

    Futhermore, while on the subject of DeathProof. If anything, the film is hyped as being garbage. I seem to recall reading much more criticism that hacked down this chapter of Grindhouse during the initial release, over defense. So I guess I would have to challenge the nature of the statement that the film is over-hyped (and by over-hyped, I think it is safe to assume, that means praised, not damned!).

  10. 10. KNOCKED UP – Agree. It was alright, not great.
    9. THE DEPARTED – Agree. It was good, but overhyped.
    8. HOT FUZZ – Disagree. I loved it
    7. HUSTLE & FLOW – Didn’t see it
    6. THE BRAVE ONE – Didn’t see it
    5. DREAMGIRLS – Agree. Overhyped.
    4. WEDDING CRASHERS – Agree. I liked it, but was overhyped.
    3. THE OTHERS – Didn’t see it.
    2. LOST IN TRANSLATION – Didn’t see it
    1. DEATH PROOF – Agree. Overhyped.

    So the only one I can disagree on with you is Hot Fuzz. BUT, I never actually heard much hype on this movie and haven’t yet seen Shaun of the Dead. But I did fully love this movie when I saw it. Best comedy of 2007.

  11. Hey Jay,

    Putting up a list like this does take guts… because you always get flamed for saying what is unpopular.

    You also said:

    “After all, what’s the point in posting a list like this if there’s no room for debating it? If every conflicting opinion is simply answered with ‘Well it’s a subjective list, so your opinion isn’t valid’, then what’s the point of having a comment section at all?”

    There is a HUGE MASSIVE difference between debating an issue (ie. I disagree with your list because A, B and C) and saying stuff like “you’re stupid if you think that” or “you obviously don’t like interesting movies”

    One is debate, the other is school yard nonsense

  12. One thing that bugs the hell out of me is when people talk about someone having ‘balls’ or saying ‘it takes a lot of guts to post your list, and I respect that’. I don’t know, I just don’t see someone posting a list of movies as being dangerous in any shape or form. Nobody is being ‘brave’ or ‘strong’ or displaying ‘courage’ by posting a list like this. It is your opinion after all, why would it take guts to share it? Lame.

    Anyways, regarding the list, I find myself totally disagreeing with every point mentioned. (Aside from maybe Wedding Crashers.) No real shocker there I suppose.

    Regarding what Kurt said, I also agree. And i’m sure he is aware of the list being subjective. Although I don’t think his intentions are to sum up Serena or The Movie Blog in his statement, he has summed up this particular list in the eyes of the folks who disagree with it. After all, what’s the point in posting a list like this if there’s no room for debating it? If every conflicting opinion is simply answered with ‘Well it’s a subjective list, so your opinion isn’t valid’, then what’s the point of having a comment section at all?

    Just sayin’.

  13. It took some “balls” to put that up, I disagree with you on every single one of those movies on your list (that I have seen). The good thing about stuff like this is it gives you a quick snapshot of someone’s tastes and helps you decide whether or not to listen to their reviews (at least of non-horror movies). Now I know I have to take all of Serena’s non-horror reviews with a big grain of salt ;)

  14. Hmm, let’s see… Of the ones I’ve watched:

    Hustle & Flow – I enjoyed this film and thought it had good performances

    The Others – I thought this was a really good, creepy film

    Lost in Translation – I love this film

    I agree with Jason Presti about Super Troopers and Crash, but I’d have to put Shrek 2 at the top of my list: I hate that film with a passion, all the more so because I really liked Shrek 1

  15. Whoa! (the dangers of text and reading into what is written on the internet!)

    I understand that this is my taste (it’s my comment after all). But I believe this type of criticism is quite valid in this forum too. Hey, I’ve got all the respect in the world for Serena and have been happy to read (and comment) on all the great content she has been adding to The Movie Blog. But that isn’t going to stop me from publishing my opinions here! This is a debate-community! If my words sound strong, my feelings on the issue are strong. I understand the traffick that comes thru The Movie Blog, and am hoping that whomever may be reading the articles, also glances thru the comments to see that she may or may not be in the minority of THIS SITE’s readership (of which I am one!).

    Long winded defense.

    I guess the ‘smug’ answer is that posting on the internet requires ‘thick skin’ and while I was hardly throwing knives here, a rotten tomato or cabbage was not unwarranted.

    Clearly many of these films are ‘auteur’ works (Apatow, Tarantino, Coppola, Wright, Amenabar, Scorcese). I just get concerned when I believe the ‘focus group’ message is coming out over the artist message. Sure these folks aren’t going to knock it out of the park with every picture (although personally I think about half of them are top shelf films).

    Maybe some time during After Dark if you guys are around, we can have an informal smack-down at a local bar so I can further work out my aggression! :)

  16. Hey Kurt,

    You said:

    “I think you are clearly sending a message that we don’t want interesting — dare-I-say-experimental — films made in a studio or ministudio framework?”

    No, that’s only according to YOUR taste, and please don’t tell me your tastes are the correct ones. You’ve championed some HORRIBLE films, and disliked some great ones too. Serena’s list is her list, and her tatses are her tastes. If you disagree, that’s totally cool, and I personally enjoy our debates… but to use the type of language you’re using here is sort of conceited, condescending and smug.

    It’s not that Serena doesn’t like interesting or experimental films… it’s that she didn’t find any of those films interesting. You may disagree, and that’s cool.

  17. 10. Knocked Up- Loved it

    9. The Departed – Solid film, but not truly great

    8. Hot Fuzz – Laughed my butt off the first time I saw it, but didn’t hold up well on repeat viewings

    7. Hustle & Flow- Hated it

    6. The Brave One- haven’t seen it

    5. Dreamgirls – meh

    4. Wedding Crashers- Overhyped? A bit, yes. Still a great comedy.

    3. The Others- WAY overhyped. YAWN

    2. Lost in Translation- I yawned so hard my jaw locked open (I’m not making this up). For about 10 painful minutes I looked like Paris Hilton at an “audition”

    1. Death Proof- Good flick, just not quite worthy of the immense hype.

  18. Death Proof may just be the ‘ultimate’ Quentin Tarantino film. I say this not because it is necessarily his best film (that would be 1997’s Jackie Brown), but merely because it is the comfort zone that Q.T. seems to want to reside in artistically and cinematically. In the media’s rush to label Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction as a breath of fresh air blowing from somewhere in between art house and genre subversion (a la the many of the early French New Wave directors films), they forgot to look at the script work for From Dusk Till Dawn and Natural Born Killers . Certainly the frenzy that was Kill Bill made it quite clear that playing on the trash side of cinema for the sake of being fun and nasty is his idiom.

    The concept of the Grindhouse experiment reigned in the everything-and-the-kitchen-sink approach taken with Kill Bill and let Tarantino focus on blending three types of films with Death Proof: The Women-Out-Of-Control style exploitation (Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!), the slasher flick (Halloween) and the muscle car potboiler (Vanishing Point, Dirty Mary Crazy Larry, both explicitly referenced in the dialogue here). As a side note, Robert Rodriguez who had the opening feature in the Grindhouse double bill went the pile on route with Planet Terror which has about 10 films vying to escape from his flasher parody of 80’s style Golan Globus films – but the commercial failure of Grindhouse has split the two features into separate films (and Planet Terror is the weaker of the two).

    Death Proof is really a ‘hanging out’ kind of movie. Barely interested in getting to its plot or even the big ‘money shots’ (of which there are several). The film is more interested in hanging out and listening two groups of girls talk (and talk, and talk). Fortunately, Q.T. has a gift for writing smooth flowing dialogue. If there isn’t the showy one-liners of his other features on display here, the movies strength is how it flows smoothly along, utilizing a ripping soundtrack (usually contained in the film via car radios or jukeboxes around the Austin venues the first set of girls hang out. The other strength that the director is famous for is bringing out the best performances from actors which have been (more or less) cast in the dustbin. Here it is Kurt Russell, fabulously introduced in the unglamorous close-ups of him inhaling a plate of nachos and cheese, the camera lingering on greasy fingers and smacking lips, before tilting up to see Russell’s weathered face sporting a wicked scar over his right eye. A bit of a power-junkie and a bit of a dork, Russell attempts to impress the locals with the shows he worked on before realizing that the young Austin crowd hasn’t really heard any of these 70’s action TV relics. Instead he flirts with the shyest of the girls before going into stalking mode (a transition Tarantino winks to the camera with the flourish of having Russell flash one of the most joy-filled grins right to the audience.

    The second half promises to be a repeat of the first, yet the next group of girls is a little less slutty (certainly Q.T. is adhering to convention with this aspect of the movie) and a little more aggressive. Stuntman Mike is dealing with Stuntwoman Zoe and cohorts, who aren’t going to take his shit and show him a little Girl-Power in a muscle car show down.

    The key to enjoying Death Proof is an ear for texture and detail. It’s not the broad strokes character building, plot, action where the film shines, but rather the small observations in the girls personalities – vanity, ego, or in the case of Rosario Dawson’s Abby, discovering just what you are capable of if your friends are there to show you the way. As talented actresses go, Dawson makes the most with a fairly small role, she is a joy to watch. As is Uma Thurman’s Stunt Double, Zoe Bell, here playing herself in front of the camera, and clearly loving every minute of it. Bell may not be the actress that Dawson is, but her enthusiasm is so winning that watching her character strut her stuff is one of the drawing pleasures of the film.

    I don’t know if I’ve sold the movie or not to anyone reading this, as I have been on the defending side of this film from a lot of folks who think all the time spent with these girls is wasted. But like Wes Anderson’s Bottle Rocket, Spike Lee’s 25th Hour and The Coen Brothers The Big Lebowski, Death Proof is a film that gets better with subsequent viewings that allow anyone willing to go along for the ride to feel the texture of what is really accomplished here. It may not be what the audience for Grindhouse actually thought they might be getting. The result is actually something better.

  19. Wow. Simply. Wow.

    One thing that nearly all of these films have in common is that they are going about re-purposing a genre with a certain set of expectations and trying to stretch that genre. How is that a bad thing? I think you are clearly sending a message that we don’t want interesting — dare-I-say-experimental — films made in a studio or ministudio framework? You want Saw 5? Shrek 4 and Transformers 2? (Maybe I’m not getting your point here…)

    Anyway, for the record, there is more good stuff on display in Lost in Translation, Death Proof, The Brave One, and The Others than most stuff that makes it out to the multiplex. Perhpas you have an issue with films more interested in texture, mood or tone over plotting (and even character)?

    I don’t agree much with The Movie Blog opinions, but crapping on smaller flicks that did well for themselves and praising studio behemoths that are just simply bad films – it frightens and confuses me as to what anyone in the industry reading this site is going to do with that info.


  20. Knocked Up was a memorable experience. Why? You’d have to see it with a girlfriend or boyfriend. You should have seen it in the movie theater when it first came out. Watching Knocked Up alone or with someone at home is like going on a roller coaster ride with no one else interested. It’s just you and your friend on the ride; it’s just not as fun. Watching it again, I won’t laugh as much. People find different things funny and laugher can be contagious. Being in a theater packed audience and not taking the movie so seriously from the beginning (as with ANY movie I watch), I really enjoyed myself. You will never get that memorable experience unless you watch it with a whole bunch of friends who are perhaps dating or in relationships. I don’t think Knocked Up was over hyped.

  21. I love this topic! I never give in to hype or jump onto band wagons OR settle for mediocre films.

    I HATE Hollywood Hype and the people that buy into it.
    I agree with every film on your list and can think of a few of my own:

    1. Harold and Kumar go to White Castle: WTF? This movie was boring and not funny at all.

    2. Super Troopers: I have friends who think this is the funniest movie ever but I hated this film.

    3. I’ll get shot for this but I think CRASH was super-overrated, I didn’t get it at all.

    4. I’ll even put OLD SCHOOL on there. I thought it was very funny but nowhere near the hype it had.

    5. Why is everyone afraid to mention Brokeback Mountain. I finally watched that film long after the controversy had died down and it was boring and just awful.

    Remember folks We are NOT debating the quality of these films. this discussion has NOTHING to do with whether they were good films or not.

    We are talking about whether the films lived up to the Hype attributed them.

    There are films that I absolutely Loved that I thought had way too much hype surrounding them.

  22. > Knocked Up may not have been “laugh-a-minute,” but that doesn’t mean it’s not a great comedy. The reason I like it better than the 40-Year-Old Virgin (which I like) is that the characters are just a lot more likable and relatable in it. I don’t know. And I definitely like it better than Nine Months. -Tim May

    WOW! Tim, you must be one of the biggest stoners alive because those were pretty much the only characters in the movie with any real comedic bits that made me laugh. Other than that the movie was banal, weak, and soooo deserved more critical reviews.

    I’m with ya’ on this one Serena. Actually, I was on board for all 10 of the movies you picked!

  23. Excellent list, Serena. Am totally with you on Wedding Crashers and to a lesser extent The Departed. Die Hard 4 is also massively over-rated, I genuinely can’t believe that most people think it’s a decent entry in the franchise.

  24. Dang need to remember to finish reading all the comments before posting. For sure would added Sixth Sense to the list. So boring & stupid that not even Bruce Willis could save it. This is one of those movies I cant seem to figure out why people like, along with the directors other films. Can’t speak on Lady in the water though cause havent seen. Only one of his films i enjoyed was Unbreakable, but can honestly say if i had known what it was about ahead of time might not have liked. But Signs & Village….wont even get started.

  25. Dont take the haters comments to harsh. I like you understand about overhyped. Happens to me all the time, and like you said most people will say they like it just to avoid discusion or arguments. I dont, i speak my mind and find i dislike most movies my friends seem to think are awesome. Agree with ya on some (Death proof,Wedding Crashers, Knocked Up) and disagree on a few others (Hot Fuzz & Departed). Some i thought coulve been added to the list

    Batman Begins – ugh horrible, between no super hero being in the movie to car/tank driving on top of houses and buildings *shudder*

    300 – while entertaining…come on dialogue insulted my intelligence, and was it just me or was everything heavy in that movie including apples, they flexed every chance they got

    could keep going but would be a long post and those were the first 2 to come to mind

  26. I so agree with Serena on the number one of this list, Death Proof. I love Tarantino’s movies and especially his witty dialogue and I love watching campy pulpy 70’s movies every now and then. However I was terribly disappointed with Death Proof, since instead of becoming Tarantino’s take on the B-movie it became to my opinion an uninspired product of a director with a severe writer’s block. It’s neither campy nor funny nor clever, just a whole lotta fish nor flesh. Since Tarantino is such a living legend hardly any movie critic had the guts to stand up and say ‘hey, this is actually a hit movie!’, eventhough most of the public disliked the product and it therefore bombed as it deserved to. Critics saying it’s a great movie doesn’t help Tarantino since it’d only make him lazy: it has proven he can shit out any turd and the critics will try to polish it for him. Plus I was shocked by the incredibly unfunny overacting of Tracy Thoms and her net getting even a Razzie nomination for her shocking display of lack of talent in this stillborn movie is a disgrace.

    Tarantino is still a fantastic filmmaker in my book and I can’t wait for ‘Inglorious Bastards’, you can’t expect every artist to come up with nothing but greatness for all of his career and Death Proof will very likely be remembered as the one where Quentin missed the mark.

  27. I won’t bother commenting too much; most of these are really good movies that are not over-hyped at all; Hot Fuzz is the perfect example. Serena also mentioned in the past she’s a “Sex and the city” fan but “Lord of the rings” wasn’t her cup of tea – this made me lose any interest in her reviews or movie comments. Her views are just way too far away from mine.

  28. I agree with you on every single one except Hot Fuzz. I really enjoyed that one. If I was to replace it with anything I would definately put down that Paul Giamatti film “Sideways”. Everyone was buzzing about that movie but by the end of it all I wanted to do was find a gun and do a Kurt Cobain impression.

  29. Word to Lost in Translation. The movie critics loved Scarlett’s see through panties in the first shot and it caused them to add points to a really boring movie.
    FYI, isolated people are boring. They need to do something.

  30. A lot of these films are pretty recent. I would have ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’ on the top of my list. I am still trying to figure out if that was a comedy…oh my big fat GEEK headache.

  31. I agree 100% on knocked up I only chuckled twice I really don’t see what people found funny in that one.
    The descent ,I was really looking foward to a good scary movie and this wasn’t it.
    disturbia ,for that run of the mill average POS movie to be #1 boxoffice for as long as it was shows how low the movie biz was gone.

  32. I only seen The Others, so I can’t comment, but I think one of the most over hyped flims was Titaic. I enjoyed the movie but it wasn’t as good as everyone was saying.

  33. Knocked Up may not have been “laugh-a-minute,” but that doesn’t mean it’s not a great comedy. The reason I like it better than the 40-Year-Old Virgin (which I like) is that the characters are just a lot more likable and relatable in it. I don’t know. And I definitely like it better than Nine Months.

  34. “Serena, my sister, I love you, and don’t take this too hard but….fuck you” -Kristina, HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. but besides that wasnt spider-man 3 one of the most overhyped movies of ALL TIME to the point were it broke mid-night records and yet it didnt make this list WOW!!!!!

  35. 10. knocked up – can’t comment havent seen it yet.

    9. THE DEPARTED – really liked it but i wont defend like it’s my baby.

    8. hot fuzz – this movie is awsome i don’t know what up, i love this movie and will defend this it’s just great.

    7.HUSTLE & FLOW – pile of crap

    6. THE BRAVE ONE – havent seen it

    5. DREAMGIRLS – crap

    4. WEDDING CRASHERS – yes over hyped, but liked some actors in it.

    3. THE OTHERS – yes it is over hyped

    2. LOST IN TRANSLATION – i liked it

    1. DEATH PROOF – just awsome with grind and awsome by itself i just dont get why people dont get it, a great movie my fav movie of the year. also a big fan of tarantino.

  36. Death Proof was awesome. It’s too bad that people can’t appreciate something that is campy without it having something like a weapon sown on instead of an appendage.

    Also, when people say you ‘didn’t get’ a movie, they don’t necessarily mean that you can’t describe the plot. Even if you ‘got’ what happened on the screen, doesn’t mean you got the movie.

    I’m not going to say I have huge problems with this list, I kind of agree with a couple of the choices, but is this really meant to be ‘of all time’…? I know this is the internet and whatnot, but you’ve got to have seen movies more overrated than Hustle and Flow in the span of your life.

  37. Ugh, you’re right on with Lost in Translation. I got it, I got it already. I even saw it with a friend that prides himself on being the local expert on art and indie films, and I kept him from walking out thinking it had to get better. Honestly, I think the industry was afraid to say anything other than “brilliant” because of Sofia’s last name.

  38. NOTE; GLENN myself for one come here, to listen to points of view on movies and news!! If its just new there are a tone o new sites out there..

    any back to the list: hhmmmm… I live in the UK so hype here may be alot different… Knocked Up i loved but not as just a comedy.. as aman of similar age it apeals to me alot and i related to this..

    DEPARTED: i seen the orginal i had no expectaion and ended u enjoying the movie but oscar material at all i dont think so.. but it was just an excuse to give it to matin.

    HOT FUZZ: fo me no sean of the dead but still a decent mvie (so overhyed proably)

    Wedding Crashers: again this didn recieve over hype in the UK at all…

    The Brave One: actually i going to see this tom butagain hardly any press fr this movie at all.

    The Other/Lost in Translation: totally agree.

    DeathProof: Hype all i can say is wot hype everyon has said it sucked… the only thing that can consitute as hype is the fact that peeps been claiming the 20 mins extra makes it a better movie.. I feel disappointed that here in UK we arent gettin to see the Grindhouse as it was meant to be.. and another not Trantino Constant saying hes just a movie fan and is main movie for the fans… So y the fuck does he continually rip us off.. Prob be aout 2 yr before we will be able to purchase the grindhouse DVD as both be released sep and ten eventually orip more money out of us the way it was meant to be will be released.. Sry about te Rant !!

    But i actually liked Both deathproff and Planet terror.. but nothing special.

    And the atonement Reference hat is spot on the movie i felt was a croc of shit. Ikea Knightlyjust annyoys me in everything but Macavoy got great furture… loved him eer since shameless.

  39. Hey Goon,

    Thanks for the comments..I agree that if you liked Death Proof, by all means go watch the extended version. But, if it wasn’t your cup of tea like myself…I wouldn’t recommend it. :)

    “Theflyingworm”-thanks for the kind words and back up

    and Darren, wow…I thought you would have been the one I offended the most. I am pleasantly surprised I didn’t. :)

  40. OH SHIT!

    After reading Serena’s post, all I can say is….NINE out of TEN ain’t bad. I could be dat…oh, for heaven’s sakes, not now….!

    Anyway…here’s the thing. I didn’t think much of ‘Lost In Translation’ either, but what makes me want to worship Princess Serena is her comment on THE OTHERS and HUSTLE & FLOW.

    First, Hustle & Flow. Some of the rap tunes were catchy. But there was something that I never really got in this film: a church choir director, who tells Djay to not ‘disrespect his house’ suddenly, without much explanation, goes over to a known pimp/hustlers house and helps him record gangsta rap music. He spends time away from his even stricter christian wife. What does she do? Caves in. Later, we feel something for DeJay’s dreams being in the toliet. But then…he really didn’t know the rap artist anyway. He put on a hustle, and we’re supposed to feel something good? Hmmm…okay.

    About The Others. When I first saw this crap —I’m going to ask you Serena…at what point did you figure out “the twist”, when they “revealed it”, or before…like in the first ten minutes like myself? On top of that, the only new infomation was that the Nicole Kidman character killed her kids, something which contradicted her actions even in the spirit realm. Note: I wasn’t entirely impressed with Shaylaman’s ‘Sixth Sense’ either…but I L-O-V-E-D “Stir Of Echoes” with Kevin Bacon.

    The Departed…not bad…but not great. Far from it.

    Wedding Crashers- aside from two actresses (Racheal McAdams and the brief snippet of Naureen Zaim) and Chris Walken, I didn’t see much appeal in this film either. Vince Vaughn was the main problem. I seen this, I started to think Vaughn isn’t an actor anymore.

    Now, where you and I part ways…Dreamgirls. Yes, Jenifer Hudson was great. But so was Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphy (his best role in years) and…yes…Beyonce.

  41. Funny, the people with commentaries are commenting about the topic at hand, and they actually make the board a little more colorful. They aren’t attacking anyone. You know what is not needed? Arrogant and holier than thou people coming to this site.

  42. Lost in Translation was like having jet-lag for two hours. I got it… I understood that that was actually the point of the film… but like you Serena… I was bored out of my tree and deeply regretted seeing it. what a waste of an oscar nomination.

  43. So the Top Ten Over Rated Films are all from the last 5-6 years?


    “I enjoyed ‘The Departed,’ but I didn’t think it was amazing”

    ‘Hustle and Flow’ is actually a movie I liked a lot.

  44. I agree with you about Knocked Up, shoulda been higher on your list though. Lost in Translation…hmmm. Disagree.(of course the reefer helped me enjoy that one). The rest of the list I agree on. But then again, I wasn’t hyped to see most of those movies to begin with. I mean Dreamgirls? Who the hell would wanna see that garbage in the first place. Beyonce is probably one of the least exciting personalities in the business. But big-titty Hudson. I have many fantasies about her cleavage and the ways I would manipulate it. YOU KNOW WHAT’S OVERHYPED? This Bionic Woman bullshit.

  45. Serena, my sister, I love you, and don’t take this too hard but….fuck you. Hot Fuzz is amazing, and I’ll go to the grave defending that thing:)

    And if you wanna talk overhyped, look no further than the turd I saw last night. There’s a copy of Atonement floating around online, and I watched it last night. DO NOT believe the hype. That movie is banal and stupid, save for a heartfelt performance by James McAvoy. Man, Keira Knightley really sucked in this movie, and I’m usually quick to defend her. She ruled in Pride and Prejudice, but she did nothing but pout and pose in this flick. I can’t wait for people for finally lay eyes on this piece of shit and laugh right through it.

  46. OOPS! Serena wrote this post. I dont know why I assumed this was a Campea list. I could just picture him putting out a very similar if not the same list :P

  47. I caN’T be the only one wondering how the fuck campeas screenings when???

    oh right on about lost in translation and knocked up.
    totally over hyped and over rated. knocked up is juts not funny enough, not sweet enough and not interesting enough. it is incredibly average.

    but hustle and flow and death proof are two of the finest movies in recent memory.
    i agree with the departed as well…..its good but scorsese is better than that and has been many times over.

  48. (finally, Im sad you couldnt appreciate Lost In Translation. your loss) It makes me wonder though what movies you find profoundly moving that you could compare to LIT… something generally considered “arty” or “slow” or “pretentious”… what makes John Campea cry.

  49. and by the way, I counter your DO NOT WATCH THE EXTENDED VERSION with a WATCH THE EXTENDED VERSION. I could have walked out and been fine in the theater, feeling the movie was 40 minutes too long. Since then this movie has grown on me tremendously, and in fact the extended version actually delivers better character development, even if its just more talking and mingling. Its like Tarantino meets Linklater. The scenes outside the store, the (tame) lap dance, it all makes Death Proof a much better film that I am now proud to own, and proud to admit I was initially so very very wrong about. Great movie. Just great.

  50. Grindhouse had hype, both in (online) marketing and critically. Death Proof on its own, did not. On its own its around 60% on the tomatometer, hardly critic hype whatsoever. The only ‘hype’ I ever saw from it were from some other online movie sites who preferred it over Planet Terror. I think your sense of ‘overhyped’ on that one is more experiential amongst who you know than it is true in a larger sense.

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