Die Hard Trailer

Ok, I know this has been out for a while but this is the first I have seen of it and as if the previous trailers didn’t make me want to see this movie, now this one more than ever has me hooked.

Yes, he says “YippieKi-Yay Mother Fucker” which is piles of cool, but the cameo of Kevin Smith as the geeky Command Center guy. Priceless.

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14 thoughts on “Die Hard Trailer

  1. This looks pretty darn good. One thing I don’t like is the kidnapping of the daughter theme. That one has been used too many times. Think of something original. Action here looks great though.

  2. I’m more worried about Justin Long than Kevin Smith. The original Die Hard is my favorite movie of all time. This one looks good, but I’m not going to be happy if Long f’s it up.

  3. He’s not in the whole movie, but stopping the action for an aside scene with some random funny guy who is not crucial to the plot counts as comic relief to me. I hate when they do that. Just like in Spidey 3 with the end set piece. They totally stop for an aside with JJJ and the girl with the camera. DO NOT RATCHET UP TENSION ONLY TO STOP FOR SOME UNNECESSARY LAUGHS.

  4. if i am not mistaken kevin smith dosen’t really supply the comic relief because he only has one scene in which he delivers a paranoid speech and i am assuming that what they showed was just the funniest part of the scene.

  5. “Action movies do not need a comedic relief.” I’ve been saying that for years and could not agree more. All “comic relief” does is take any dramatic tension out of the scene. Who are all these people that need this “relief” in the middle of a great action sequence? Thank god the guy who’s wife is about to be killed pulled out a witty one-liner – I couldn’t take the tension and needed to be amused at this exact moment in the film. What a “relief!”

    I will never understand this.

  6. I like this trailer more than the others and I will probably go see this movie at the cinemas even though this whole thing about kidnapping daughters is getting old. Why not kidnap his dog or spider? ;)

  7. I like Kevin Smith. I’m not over the moon about him like some people, but I like the guy. That being said, I fear he will ruin this movie. Action movies do not need a comedic relief. I just want balls stapled to the walls action. I don’t need a human Jar Jar Binks, and his scenes in all of the trailers have made me cringe.

  8. this trailer really got me exited, I cant wait to see it.
    Looks a little exaggerated :D But, Hell, its probablt going to be
    an kickass action movie.

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