20 thoughts on “The Movie Blog: Uncut – April 18th 2007

  1. When you were talking about quiet times of the year for the studio’s to release their cheap “shit” movies, you made it sound like they only put out “shit” movies at these times. Well why don’t they make cheap “good” movies? There are quite a few that have been made in Australia. “The Magician” made originally for $AU10,000 and “Solo” made for $1,000,000. Solo got the million from winning the Greenlight Project i think. Why cant hollywood do the same?

  2. @Kristina –

    I know, right…

    @Phil Gee –

    I realize now how foolish it was to believe a Tom Rothman produced 100 million dollar comic book movie would have a completed script before they go into production.
    Damn you, Tommy… you got me again. :P

  3. I was skeptical about the live Uncuts at first, but now they’re going like well-oiled machines. (I think the technical problems with phone calls hurt the first few a lot. And it works a lot better now that you’ve got someone else keeping track of what may be important on the chatboard.)

    Still like the pre-recorded Roundtable Uncuts best, though… haven’t had one of those in a while, hint hint.

  4. That was an AMAZING show guys! I don’t normally listen to the live ones because of my work schedule, but the shited time allowed it this time. You guys are the best.

    Screw the phoney la radio djs! Nagy and Campea 4 life!!

  5. Maybe that’s at the end of F4:ROSS, where the cloud comes and then you hear Galactus’ voice and news came out that Lawrence Fishburne is doing the voice of Silver Surfer.

  6. Per Variety and Superherohype.com –

    Fishburne is going to be the voice of the Silver Surfer, not Galactus.
    Variety and SHH say that the powers that be havent even decided if Galactus will speak at all.

    You would think the answer to that question could be found in the script…

  7. Thanks a lot guys. Sorry I couldn’t listen in live. it was at noon my time but I had to teach a class. Damn responsibilities! I’ll even call in sometime if I can skype you!

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