Robin Williams in The Bourne Ultimatum

I’ve enjoyed the Bourne Identity films so far. I haven’t LOVED them… but they’ve been pretty good. What has surprised the hell out of me is that Matt Damon actually makes a really good action star. Who knew?

But now with just weeks to go until they start filming the next film “The Bourne Ultimatum”, word is coming out that it looks like Robin WIlliams may be cast in the film as well. As you know, I think Williams is one of the very BEST damn dramatic actors alive today. He is SERIOUSLY overlooked (despite the fact that the man has an Oscar and several other nominations).

The folks over at CHUD are reporting the following:

A spy tells Cinescape that Matt Damon will be reteaming with a hirsute fella who helped him get famous in the first place – Robin Williams. According to the scooper, Williams will be playing someone “very close” to Jason Bourne in the third film. What that means is unclear.

So is this reliable? It’s hard to say. But the fact that Damon and WIlliams have worked together before with outstanding success seems to give this one some legs. If it’s true we should hear some official word in the next few weeks. I hope it is.

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13 thoughts on “Robin Williams in The Bourne Ultimatum

  1. I agree with bournefan…I’m sort of middle of the road so far as for Robin Williams being in an “action movie”, whatever his role may be in Ultimatum…These have been fairly serious movies, dealing with all kinds of issues…I feel the introduction of a “co-star” from a previous film may weaken the movie…Also, Damon/Bourne is the star of these films, lets not challenge that…

  2. What? You have got to be kidding. The stark realism of Bourne by using great actors that aren’t typecast and instantly recognizeable as anything other than their current role is what makes it work. No silly shoot-em-ups, cameos, unrealistic martial arts or other pop culture crap please. Robin Williams is an improv genius but Mork in a Bourne movie? You’re all kidding, right?

  3. Williams is amazing. No doubt there.

    But is it just me or does he make a PERFECT Penguin?????

    That pic just makes me want to see him as Mr Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot in a Batman movie. Even though I think he would make a great Joker.

  4. Sounds great to have Williams and Damon together again. Their screen time in Good Will Hunting was incredible. With respect to some of the comments above, it’s hard to believe that nobody ever mentions the Fisher King when talking about Williams’ great dramatic roles.

  5. I liked both movies even though I think the books had a better story line. Robin Williams will be an awesome addition to this movie even if he were to play a bad guy in it. I hope this won’t be the last of the bourne movies. I think this series has the making of a american type james bond franchise.

  6. This is fabulous news! And not just because the onscreen pairing of Damon/Williams was far more interesting to me than Damon/Affleck in GWH, but for all the other reasons stated. I love Robin as a dramatic actor. I have said it a lot over the years (here and on my own blog) that he should do more of it. Williams, along with the late John Ritter, were always my two fave underrated actors (not comics – they both ruled in their comedic days.)

  7. I completely agree, on all fronts. The Bourne films have been surprisingly entertaining and generally, pretty good. As for Damon making a good action hero…not so much of a surprise there. I always thought he had it in him, just never thought he’d actually persue it. As for Williams, the man is a marter. He’s made such a great chareer out of his comedy that often he’s overlooked in his dramatic roles but he really is excellent. I think his performances in “One Hour Photo” and “The Final Cut” were brilliant.

  8. Williams is a fantastic dramatic actor – he certainly kept up with Pacino in Insomnia – but it’s really his own fault that he’s not so well known for it. He knew what he was getting into when he made RV. He makes some crap. Thankfully though he hasn’t gone all Eddie Murphy and still makes a cracker every now and again (Death To Smoochy rules!). I love the Bourne movies. Can’t wait for this one now.

  9. If he is in the movie it might actually make more people notice him more than just a comedic actor. He has done some great drama work but really the movies that he has been weren’t something that most of the general public noticed. I think this is a really good idea if Williams does end up in the Bourne Ultimatum.

  10. Wow I totally have to agree with you John, Robin Williams is WAY underrated as a dramatic actor. I was shocked at how good he was in One Hour Photo. If they cast him as a deranged type of villian for this , my ass is automatically in the seat for this one on opening day.

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