Wow! And again I say WOW! The early Lady in the Water reviews are coming in… and THEY SUCK! I mean really suck hard! Right now the Lady in the Water reviews are holing a pathetic 11% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Here are what some of the critics are saying in their Lady in the Water reviews:
“Shyamalan’s most alienating and self-absorbed project to date.”
Lisa Schwarzbaum, ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY“Hollywood cannot pollute the ozone with anything more idiotic, contrived, amateurish or sub-mental than Lady in the Water.”
Rex Reed, NEW YORK OBSERVER“Shyamalan has followed The Village with another disappointment — a ponderous, self-indulgent bedtime tale.”
Brian Lowry, VARIETY“Shyamalan is mystically assuming that any idea or image that pops into his skull will make a shapely tale, no matter how much cock-and-bull logic he has to invent to Gorilla Glue it together.”
Michael Atkinson, VILLAGE VOICE“Like Splash reworked by a grandiose Sunday-school teacher.”
David Edelstein, NEW YORK MAGAZINE“Has M. Night Shyamalan lost his damn mind?”
Sean Burns, PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY“Far-fetched is the kindest thing to say about Lady in the Water, a disjointed and mind-numbing story.”
I’m really surprised. Despite the fact that my personal opinon of M. Night has dropped a lot over the last few weeks, I’ve still really been looking forward to seeing this flick. I’ve though The Village was the only true awful film he’s ever done… it looks like there might be a #2 to add to that list.