Crescent City, directed by RJ Collins and written by Rich Ronat, is a crime thriller that promises to weave a tale of suspense, intrigue, and psychological torment. Unfortunately, what it delivers instead is a muddled narrative, underdeveloped characters, and a ...
Guess who’s back in the game, folks? It’s none other than Terrence Howard, ready to shake up the screen with his signature charm and style! Terrence Howard just scored a prime spot in Peacock’s “Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist” ...
[springboard type=”video” id=”875647″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ] Arnold Schwarzenegger stars in this action thriller as the head of an elite DEA task force assigned to take on some of the most vicious drug cartels in the world. The group raids ...
Governator returns in his new film Sabotage. You remember Sabotage, its the movie he has with that weird hair do of his. I don’t even know what it’s called! The Pee Wee? Anyhoo this trailer was released a while ...
This time it’s Terrence Howard’s turn to have a go at playing Mr Mandela, however, this film is not his focus – it’s all about Winnie; his ex-wife. An incredibly strong, determined woman, played brilliantly by Jennifer Hudson. ...
[springboard type=”video” id=”774873″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ] Any audience, especially civil rights activist and studious historians, deserve better than the conflicted and imbalanced drama The Butler. This more along the lines of Emilio Estevez’s Bobby than Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln. Like ...
Jake G is back in another film, this time alongside Hugh Jackman for the film ‘Prisoners’. It seems like every new Hugh Jackman film has a requirement for the guy to be a dirty vagrant. I like Jackman and ...
Nelson Mandela. One of the world’s greatest and most famous leaders. A man who fought for freedom, for what be believed in, through sacrifice, persistence, patience, and understanding in an unjust world. To not make a biopic on him ...
The Weinstein Company directed us to a pair of new posters for their upcoming film with the eye catching cast. The movie stars Forrest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey, John Cusack, Jane Fonda, Cuba Gooding Jr., Terrence Howard, Lenny Kravitz, James ...
The new film starring Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey, Terrence Howard, David Oyelowo, Mariah Carey, Robin Williams, Alex Pettyfer and more. I had a lengthy conversation about the film with a co-worker of mine who attended a screening ...
Robert Redford directs and also stars in the political suspense thriller, “The Company You Keep,” his first starring role since “An Unfinished Life” in 2005. Last Monday, Redford, Jackie Evancho, Stanley Tucci and Brit Marling, appeared at a press ...
asd A single father’s upper-middle class life as a lawyer in upstate New York is shattered when his past as a radical activist member of the Weather Underground is revealed and he is accused of having been the ...