Director James Mangold revealed some details about “The Wolverine,” claiming that there would be a much darker tone and 90% of it would be set in Japan. He also stated that his intentions are to officially “reboot” the film with ...
A few new photos from the set of The Wolverine have finally popped online and although they don’t show the rhythm in the ol canuckle heads arsenal it does show that he will in fact, believe it or not, ...
I caught up on my history of Wolverine last summer when finally reading through the Wolverine: Origins series and some of his more recent comics. His real name is James and before he had the metal claws he had organic ...
It’s fun to get set photos from films. Every once in a while they surprise you and offer a little gem that hadn’t been officially released and you get some unwarrented and unofficial insight into your favorite upcoming film ...
I knew this day was coming but it still seems sorta surreal. The Wolverine is one of those movies that has stirred up a lot of attention over the last couple of years and seeing it progress closer toward ...