Features Movie News Chat Josh Trank will direct a comic movie not named Venom There was a lot of interest in what this director would approach next after the success of the movie “Chronicle” earlier this year. He ... Anthony Whyte March 20, 2012 2 min read 0
Movie News Chat RUMOR: Josh Trank might direct Venom movie It should practically be common knowledge by now that I adore Spider-Man. So much so that it’s borders the edges of sanity to what ... Anthony Whyte March 7, 2012 1 min read 0
Headlines Movie News Chat Movie Reviews Forgotten Friday: Five Deadly Venoms Thanks for checking out our Forgotten Fridays feature. This is a feature to review some older films that maybe you have forgotten about or ... Rodney August 6, 2010 6 min read 3
Movie News Chat Venom Spinoff Green Lit No one was more disappointed with Venom in Spider-Man 3 than I was. The afterthought cramming of the character into a story that already ... Rodney April 9, 2009 3 min read 39
Movie News Chat Sony moves forward on Venom Sony still has the rights to Spiderman so it is going to do what it can to maintain those rights. This also keeps a ... Rodney July 31, 2008 5 min read 28
Movie News Chat Venom Movie It looks like the worst part of Spiderman 3 is going to be getting his own standalone film. We get the scoop from our ... Rodney February 4, 2008 4 min read 91
Movie News Chat Avi Arad Wanted Venom In Spiderman 3 I have heard this before, and today I read the news. We get the following Spiderman 3 report from scifi.com: As he had discussed ... Rodney April 30, 2007 4 min read 32
Movie News Chat Eddie Brock Transforming Into Venom Everyone is excited about Spider-Man 3, and would still be even it Venom wasn’t in it. But Venom is in it… and that’s the ... John Campea April 26, 2007 2 min read 21
Movie News Chat Venom Kicks Spidey’s Ass I am very much looking forward to seeing Venom in this summer’s Spiderman 3. The trailers improved drastically from one to the next like ... John Campea March 29, 2007 2 min read 20
Movie News Chat Spider-Man Getting Choked By Venom Big shout out to Robert for sending me this. Venom looking for the old Choke submission on Spider-Man. I wonder if he tried the ... John Campea March 13, 2007 17 second read 23
Movie News Chat Great Eddie Brock As Venom Pics Ok, color me impressed. Jason sent me a couple of pics that have apparently been floating around the web recently of Eddie Brock transforming, ... John Campea March 9, 2007 38 second read 32
Movie News Chat Sneak Peek at Venom from Spiderman 3 It was announced that the Spiderman 3 trailer will be released in all its glory before the new James Bond movie Casino Royale. Last ... John Campea October 24, 2006 1 min read 10