Challengers, directed by Luca Guadagnino and penned by Justin Kuritzkes, merges the intensity of sports drama with the complexities of a romantic narrative, resulting in a film that transcends the conventions of both genres. Set against the high-stakes backdrop of ...
Cash Out aspires to weave an intricate tapestry of action, romance, and high-stakes heist drama. Directed by Ives and scripted by Dipo Oseni alongside Doug Richardson, the film pitches itself into the adrenaline-pumping arena of bank heists, double-crosses, and star-crossed ...
Downtown Owl, the debut film from the duo Lily Rabe and Hamish Linklater, ventures into the delicate balancing act of comedy and drama against the stark backdrop of a small North Dakota town. Based on the 2008 novel by Chuck ...
The Paramount+ television miniseries Knuckles, a spin-off of the Sonic the Hedgehog film series, aims to bridge the gap between Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog 3 with a unique narrative focus on the titular echidna. Starring Idris ...
Humane, a film blending the harrowing depths of horror with the emotive stirrings of family drama, arrives with a weighty premise tucked beneath its belt. Directed by Caitlin Cronenberg in what marks her debut in the arena of feature filmmaking, ...
Monkey Man marks the impressive directorial debut of Dev Patel, who not only helms the film with confidence but also co-writes and stars in this gripping action thriller. Set against the rich tapestry of a rapidly changing India, the film ...
The challenge for filmmakers is to forge a new path or rekindle the sparks of horror’s past in fresh, compelling ways. With Late Night with the Devil, directors and writers Colin and Cameron Cairnes tackle this challenge head-on, offering a ...
Problemista, written, directed, and produced by Julio Torres, stands as a distinctively quirky entry into the realm of surrealist comedy, unfolding a narrative as unpredictable as it is delightful. Starring an ensemble cast led by Torres himself, Tilda Swinton, RZA, ...
Blood for Dust plunges into the grim underbelly of illegal arms dealing, setting its scene amidst the tension and volatility that defines the lives of those ensnared in such a world. Directed by Rod Blackhurst and penned by David Ebeltoft, ...
Brittany Snow makes her directorial debut with the drama film Parachute, a thought-provoking examination of the nuanced challenges surrounding recovery, self-acceptance, and the complexities of relationships affected by mental health issues. Snow, along with co-writer Becca Gleason, dives into a ...
Sweet Dreams directed and written by Lije Sarki is a unique comedic venture that throws light on the often-neglected narratives surrounding sobriety, addiction, and the personal growth that accompanies the journey to recovery. The premise alone—a mix of quirky humor, ...
When you go to the theatre to see a brand new Alex Garland movie, you know that it’s not going to be a conventional movie by any means. Even his most accessible movie in my opinion – Ex Machina – is still ...