Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

Selina Kyle: Blonde or Brunette?

I was browsing through Yahoo movies to try to fill the void of a slow news day when I noticed that the cast photo’s for the L.A. Premiere of ‘Rio’ were posted online. Regular stuff, right? Then I saw a ...

RUMOR: The Dark Knight Returns movie

Frank Miller is a visionary in our age and he’s also, apparently, a constant source for film ideas as another Batman story of his is rumored to be getting the feature film treatment. Source: Bleeding Cool Bleeding Cool have heard ...

Captain America Sequel Ideas

Everyday I’m reminded that it’s increasingly popular to begin scripting a sequel before the original movie is released. Maybe it’s cheaper that way? Either way the guys behind the Captain America movie are brainstorming the massive potential involved in Captain ...

RUMOR: Faora will battle the Man of Steel

The Superman reboot is getting as much, if not more, interest in the cast of characters and story than even Chris Nolan’s next Batman as news continues to sizzle surrounding what Zack Snyder actually has planned for our favorite Kryptonian. ...