Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

Spider-man Overload

There was once a time when details surrounding a movie were guarded and carefully coveted secrets that weren’t revealed until opening night at your local movie theater… NOT ANYMORE! Coming Soon has managed to get a TON of images from ...

No Lois Lane?

Now this is a bit shocking. The good folks at Variety managed to get the inside scoop that the 3 women being considered for the lead female role in the upcoming Superman reboot are Alice Eve, Diane Kruger and Rosamund ...

Here’s our first look at Bucky

Wow, I almost forgot about Captain America’s sidekick Bucky Barnes but thankfully we have the French and they didn’t forget because they’re providing us with our first look at everyone’s endearing sidekick and America’s future Hatchet-Man ‘Bucky Barnes’ (Sebastian Stan). ...