Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

The Hobbit: Video Blog #2

I love… no, adore the featurettes that were produced for the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and I am having that same socially-questionable feeling with the featurettes that Peter Jackson is making for the Hobbit. I’m sure they have a ...

Look at the Tin Tin trailer

Steve Spielberg and Peter Jackson made some outlandish deal a while back where they would and each direct a film in a couple of films about the internationally popular Tin Tin character. Somewhere along the line this movie, unbelievable as ...

Javier Bardem and Co. join Bond 23

Bond 23 is finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The movie was held up due to financial issues that plagued MGM for a while but things started turning around and today we are finally given confirmation ...

Uncharted has a new director

Ya know, I was obviously in the minority in thinking that David O. Russell might have made a good Uncharted movie. Sure, he was gonna change the hell out of the movie, but what good adaptation doesnt? Well, he dropped ...

Look at the Dwarves from The Hobbit

Nori, Ori, and Dori. The Hobbit film will feature these three joining the adventure alongside Billboard, and in a welcome surprise the good folks at New Line Cinema treated us with an official image this morning. Via: Rama’s Screen These ...

More Pirates

My my, who saw this coming? There’s about a billion reasons, according to the worldwide box office stats, as to why they should continue churning these out and it looks like that’s might just be more than enough. Today we ...

RUMOR: Transformers want Jason Statham

Michael Bay and Shia LeBeouf are DONE with the Transformers franchise. Seems like they’ve got their eyes set in other directions and currently don’t intend to revisit this franchise ever again. For reals. So, what’s an Autobot to do? Well, ...