Look at the Tin Tin trailer

Steve Spielberg and Peter Jackson made some outlandish deal a while back where they would and each direct a film in a couple of films about the internationally popular Tin Tin character. Somewhere along the line this movie, unbelievable as it may sound, entered production and is seemingly on its way to completion for release later this year. I’ve since learned to no longer doubt the words of PJ and Spielberg. Movies get announced/mentioned all the time but THIS one is actually real. No, seriously, check out the trailer:

Via: Dark Horizons

The thing creeped me out. I don’t get creeped out too easily either! I’m not creeped out like “bump in the night” creeped out, instead I’m a little concerned about how eerie that thing is. Some CGI movies in recent memory chose to use motion capping for animating the characters in order to create a more believable performance from the faux actors/actresses. I don’t like it. It’s not that it doesn’t work, it’s that it works TOO WELL. They move TOO REAL and the art style chosen for this film is realistic interpretation of the comic strip/cartoon character of my youth. Again, it’s not that it looks “bad”. My mind is seemingly having a hard time accepting these faux people as people. They call this the “Uncanny Valley” effect where our mind argues with itself as to what’s “real” and what’s not real and this, my friends, is delivering that effect in spades. I like Spielberg and am genuinely interested in this animated effort, but it is eerie.

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

3 thoughts on “Look at the Tin Tin trailer

  1. I was definitely a bit creeped out when I saw the first trailer but I’m used to it now and quite like the effect. Not only does it look like a great film in its own right but could also please the Tintinologists among us.

  2. It does look a bit eerie but better than efforts I’ve seen just a few years ago (Beowulf comes to mind). I like the fact that Spielberg and Jackson are a part of this film. It looks like it might be a lot of fun.

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