Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

Ryan Reynolds talks Deadpool

I can’t believe it myself, but it seems that this guy is still committed to bring the merc with a mouth to the silver screen. I mean, I really thought this Green Lantern stuff would have curtailed any future dealings ...

RUMOR: Bale beat up for Batman 3

There’s a photo floating around of Christian Bale. He looks like he got his ass handed to him sideways by someone that apparently could handle himself better than Bale. It’s possible that this photo is from TDKR as a makeup ...

Warren Beatty wants Dick Tracy 2

Dick Tracy was a polarizing merchandising phenomena in the early 90’s. There were few places one could travel without being bombarded by children with either a Tim Burton’s Batman t-shirt or an over sized watch that they would often talk ...

Look at La Luna

La Luna is Pixar’s upcoming short film that will be clocking in at a whopping 6 minutes and 53 seconds. Today we get a good look at 30 seconds of this film, which is the equivalent of seeing like 1/14th ...

Watch “The Guard” Trailer

I’m a big Don Cheadle fan. The man takes any role he’s cast in and somehow almost always produces a memorably good performance, and I go out of my way to find out what he’s up to. Today I found ...

Sacha Baron Cohen as The Dictator

Sacha Baron Cohen is funny. I enjoy his movies, mostly, and am somewhat excited that we finally get our first look at Cohen in full wardrobe for his character for his latest upcoming movie. Via: Coming Soon Cohen’s fourth film ...

New Captain America TV spot

I’m going to keep this short and sweet. Captain America is leaping, flinging shields, and telling the Red Skull where’s he’s from in this latest TV spot. That has to be the most shield flinging I’ve seen in this film ...

Darren Aronofsky might make ‘Noah’

Darren Aronofsky is working hard. He’s been working on the project for quite a while now and with Black Swan’s success being the feather in his cap he’s taking the opportunity to further develop his proposed “Noah” movie and he ...

Catwoman Clocked a Stuntman!

There’s really not a lot of info leaking off the set of the Dark Knight Rises. We know they’re filming, we know who’s cast, and we know some of the shooting locations. I have no clue about the story other ...

Daredevil reboot gets a writer

It seems like ages ago that we got to enjoy Ben Affleck donning the scarlet costume and bring to life comics’ Daredevil for the Silver Screen, and it’s been made evident that someone out there thinks that it’s been long ...