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Jamie Foxx comments on Electro rumors


Jamie Foxx has been rumored to be in negotiations to portray the villain in the next Spider-Man film. There’s been no denial on anyone’s part that he’s campagining for the role and has now outright confirmed that it’s a role he hope he lands:


“Fingers crossed it all works out.   I have a little daughter, four years old, and what’s crazy is like, this past year she had a birthday where Spider-Man was the theme… I haven’t sprung it on her yet, but she will go crazy!”


At first the news bothered me because I couldn’t imagine Foxx in the role but given enough time I’m interested in seeing in how he might portray the character. Maybe we’ll get a newer better incarnation of the character similar to how Sam Jackson introduced us to a more popular incarnation if Nick Fury? Anthing’s possible but since Foxx isn’t stating that the contract has been signed then I’ll only go so far with my investment into his portrayal of the character. We’ll see how things go… That’s all for now…


Quote Via: JoBlo


Jamie Foxx at the 19th Annual Elton John Aids Foundation Academy Awards Viewing Party photo courtesy of Shutterstock







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