Cloud Atlas concept art looks amazing

Some concept art for the recently wrapped Cloud Atlas made its way online and gives us some insight into the world that will be presented by the Wachowski’s and company. Let’s take a look:

Via: /Film

Say what you want to say about their storytelling but I have to admit that I get a unique type of excitement when it comes to concept art for the Wachowski’s. The countless hrs of my life devoted to watching every “behind the scenes” and “making of” features for the Matrix gave me the insight needed to understand that these folks are sticklers for details and have a knack for re-creating concept art in their film to the pixel. The fact that they’ve re-teamed with George Hull for this film is another feather in the cap and I can’t wait to see his art realized on the silver screen.

I’ll keep you guys posted when I find more.

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