Director Talks How Captain America Links To Thor & Avengers

Director Joe Johnston has offered a brief idea on how his Captain America film will tie into other Marvel movies, like Thor and The Avengers. Although he doesn’t go into details, we at least get some perspective on his tease.

IGN reports:

“There are links between all the Marvel films, mostly ones that only the fans will pick up on,” the helmer told CBM. “We have several subtle references to certain elements in Thor, but since Captain America is a period picture taking place in the ’40s, there are fewer opportunities for contemporary links to the rest of the Marvel universe. We can, however, create events in our story that will be paid off in Avengers and other Marvel pictures.”

Geek Tease! That’s about it. It’s totally understandable that since Caps is set in the ’40s, well there isn’t too much they can tease about regarding other superheroes like Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, etc. What they can do, like he states, is touch on events or elements, that will get paid off in these other superhero movies. I’m really excited about Caps. Can’t wait for it. Can we at least get Evans with the suit on? Some footage?! C’mon!

What do you think of this tease? You ok with this idea? What events would you like referenced later on in Thor and Avengers?

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10 thoughts on “Director Talks How Captain America Links To Thor & Avengers

  1. Ho hum and a bottle of rum.

    Nothing new here. Move along.
    To reCAP:

    * We already know there are loose ties to Thor as the test footage from last month’s CC revealed (Skull looking for an artifact called ‘The Eye Of Odin’)

    * We expect a Nick Fury cameo, probably at the end/ after credits teaser. Hawkeye should be in the end credits tease as well.

    * It was suggested previously that “The Invaders” would get a shout out. (Which would open a path for such a film if needed and/or Namor)

    * The Howard Stark connection.

  2. Not much to chew on here. My main concern for this movie is the Director they hired. Cris Evans will do fine as so will Hugo, All I can do right now is pray..

    Marvel Set in the 70’s?
    Heres what would be sweet

    Dr. Strange
    Luke Cage
    Master of Kung-Fu

    with a 70’s vibe to it

    Thats all I got here

    1. I’m kind of on the reverse from you with this one. I think Joe Johnston, the director, will do an excellent job. Yes he did the recent Wolfman movie, which was just okay of a film, at best. But he also did The Rocketeer. Which was a GREAT super hero movie set during 1938. Which I think is the main reason Marvel chose him for this.

      But I’m more concerned over Cris Evans. I did like him in Push and Sunshine, also this will be his 6th comic book based movie, which is kind of cool. But still, can he pull off a guy in a 40’s time period during World War II, can he make a movie version of Capt. America seem cool, can he pull off a strong leader character, who’s in charge of a bunch of guys with God/God like powers/tech for the Avengers, and not seem like he’s just some lost kid mixed up in all this?

      It also feels weird that he’s younger the rest of the Avenger actors, but yet he’s the leader. One of the things that bothered me about the X-Men movies was how young they made Cyclopes. Although they turned his character into crap anyhow.

      Still, I have tones of faith in Marvel and what they’re doing. Apparently they saw something special in this kid to play their equivalent to Superman. Who knows, maybe this will finally be the role that makes Chris Evans really shine.

      1. Rocketeer was good but that was ages ago and his recent stints stunk.

        I have faith in marvel, and the age thing is a issue w/Cap but I’m sure it will play out fine.

        Lets hope they nail this one.

        I’ve been Waitin’ for a Great Cap film and hope they do it justice

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