Fair Game Trailer

Director Doug Liman has had a pretty good track record. Since arriving into the scene with Swingers in 1996, he’s done some pretty attractive/good films. (Go, Bourne Identity, Mr. And Mrs. Smith, and Jumper). Liman’s next big screen story is Fair Game, starring Naomi Watts and Sean Penn. Fair Game will be release November 5th, 2010. Here’s the films synopsis and trailer.

Synopsis: Plame’s status as a CIA agent was revealed by White House officials allegedly out to discredit her husband after he wrote a 2003 New York Times op-ed piece saying that the Bush administration had manipulated intelligence about weapons of mass destruction to justify the invasion of Iraq.

The film’s plot seems intriguing. As far as the trailer goes, I’m not jumping out of my seat. I know Penn and Watts will deliver strong performances as always. So just for that, I’ll give it a try when it comes out. They never disappoint. It’s good to see them together once more – both gave tremendous performances in 2003’s 21 Grams.

What about you? What do you think about both actors? What about director Liman? You up for Fair Game?

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6 thoughts on “Fair Game Trailer

  1. When does the CIA send someone on a official mission to find out if Saddam is trying to buy yellowcake, and then allow them to write and article in the NYTimes describing his mission? Seems fishy and political. If you remember this all came about from the 16 words in the SOTU adress by Bush and the British still stand behind thier intelligence. Just because Joe Wilson says its not so, don’t make it not so. Seems to me the Wilson love the lime light.

  2. I think the timing for this movie is poor. The film is based on a true story! It should have been released last decade because of context and the politics of the era. The world has moved on. I remember following this story when it broke and I was intrigued by the reality of it, so I’ll watch the movie just to add to the drama that was playing out on the news. It’s a fantastic story, I just wish it was done sooner.

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