Superheroes banned from Hollywood

Just thought this report was interesting, and somewhat funny. Apparently superheroes have been banned from Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. The L.A. City Council approved this ban following too many complaints.

KTLA News reports:

According to LAPD officials, tourists and other visitors to Hollywood Blvd. in front of Grauman’s Chinese Theater complained of being accosted by overzealous costumed movie characters who pestered them for tips after having pictures taken with them. Over the weekend, LAPD officers conducted a code enforcement detail on Hollywood Blvd. regarding tips for service and operating without a business permit. Approximately 8 of the costumed characters were arrested.

Wow. Now where are we going to go, when we want to take pictures with the likes of Superman, Batman, Michael Jackson, etc. Having myself been to the Walk of Fame, I can understand the many complaints by tourists and visitors of being accosted by these characters. And it’s true, they do ask you for tips if you take pictures with them.
But hey, being in a full Stormtrooper outfit under the hot sun, for a whole day taking pictures with fans – takes its toll. So why not give them something…

What do you guys think? Any ideas on how to deal with this movie tradition down in L.A.?

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6 thoughts on “Superheroes banned from Hollywood

  1. what about copyrights / trademarks. sure anybody can purchase the suits.
    but they dont own the right to those charactes therefore cannot
    charge or receive payment posing as them……right?

    1. Well, do the myriad of spider-men, barney the dinosaur, sponge-bobs that host children’s partys have the right to charge for their services? No, they all work for free! Guaranteed they don’t all have permission from licensees. When you buy a trademarked item at a store, it is IMPLIED you can wear the thing, isn’t it? Besides, where can one see a defined LEGAL explanation of this so called “ban”? Can my kid wear his spidey jamas down the street, is he suddenly a criminal too. CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, BABY!
      Because 50, 75, or 90 percent of people who DRESS A CERTAIN WAY are criminals, does not in our country legally support a BAN on everyone! HELLO>!L!

  2. I wouldn’t be surprised if half the heroes try to fight this and break the law. And the other half tries to stop them. Then there could be an all out Civil War between the Heroes.

    And could you get a licenses for a business to dress up as a copyrighted super hero?

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