Jeremy Renner IS Hawkeye

This has become a great week for The Avengers. It has been finally confirmed who will play Hawkeye in the upcoming film: The Hurt Locker’s own, Jeremy Renner.

JoBlo reports:

It’s been rumored since last November and now we finally have confirmation: Jeremy Renner will star as Hawkeye in Marvel Studios’ THE AVENGERS. Word that Renner was in the running to play the marksman began to leak while the actor was making the rounds promoting THE HURT LOCKER for the various pre-Oscar awards (he’d later get nominated as Best Actor for his performance).

I loved The Hurt Locker. In a year where I wasn’t thrilled by the power of all the nominees for Best Picture, I was ok with this movie winning the award. I thought Renner did an outstanding job with the lead role. I’m really satisfied that they approached him before the Oscar nom, and then they kept pursuing him after the nom. I’m glad that he didn’t let other movie offers take him out of this fun role. It’s said that this being a supporting role, did help in the matter. I’m glad it did, and that he’s comfortable taking it for what it is.

I’m loving all of Marvel’s moves regarding the castings. They are bringing in people who can act and somehow resemble the character. Love it. What do you guys think? You approve Renner as Hawkeye?

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18 thoughts on “Jeremy Renner IS Hawkeye

  1. what i’d like to hear next is marvel banks on a Hawkeye solo movie. and yes Jeremy Renner is more that perfect to do justice to the character. Perhaps they can do it side by side with the rumored Black Widow film…

  2. I can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said. GREAT choice as Renner seems to be a really good actor who has the range and poise to fill the screen. Now we continue to wait for the release!

  3. Great great casting. Loved him in Hurt Locker and SWAT. Does this leave the door open for a future Hawkeye movie? Not too keen on Hawkeye as a character though…

  4. Now all we need is Fillion for Hank Pym and I’ll be REALLY excited.

    Also, you didn’t mention the casting of Neal McDonough as Dum Dum Dugan.

    1. It always comes back to that, but Joss has a knack for finding actors that have (I hesitate to use the word soul, givin your Angel connection)a passion for the unusual super hero characters he has created in his projects that really sucks you the viewer in. Any comic inspired project would be just fine with any of his casting choices.

      1. You used Soul and Sucks in a vampire reference “Classic” But Renner Was awesome as Penn in Angel and it seemed like he worked well with Joss Whedon so i am glad he will be Clint Barton.

        Clint has a real dark side and I think Renner is always playing a guy on the edge of good and evil, Hurtlocker, Corrupt SWAT, now Hawkeye.

        Cocky, Cool, and Edgy boardering evil – Perfect Hawkeye

  5. Hell yeah!

    After watching him on the short live show “The Unusuals” and playing a traitorous SWAT agent in the movie “SWAT” I think he is fully capable of being Hawkeye.

    Nice pick.

  6. I think he can bring the wise crack and quick wits that Hawkeye brings at times to the comics. If not I though Nathon Fillion would have been a choice in my opinion.

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