Slumdog Millionaire DVDs may be Missing Features

Apparently the April Fools Joke came a day too soon for a handful of people who bought the Slumdog Millionaire DVD. As advertised, the DVD had some special features, which is common with the hardcopy releases, but a batch of the discs were missing these features.

Fox quickly set up a plan of action to counter this boo boo.

Deadline Hollywood shares:

We are aware that special features were missing from a number of Slumdog Millionaire DVDs. Fox has set up a hotline telephone number (1-888-223-4FOX) for those consumers who may have purchased a version that does not contain special features. Upon calling the hotline, these consumers will be able to have their disc replaced for one containing special features. Fox regrets any inconvenience this has caused.

I don’t know exactly how many of these faulty discs made it into the hands of unsuspecting consumers, but it had to be enough to warrant Fox to issue this kind of customer service reaction.

If a couple dozen of the discs were misprinted, they would just let retailers do exchanges. This had to be a hell of a run of discs to generate that many complaints.

Did you buy a copy? Do you have the Making of and Deleted Scenes features?

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12 thoughts on “Slumdog Millionaire DVDs may be Missing Features

  1. I am a huge fan of the film. I purchased the DVD the day it came out to see the special features.
    I was shocked when I didn’t see any extra features in the DVD.
    How can they mix up such a thing ? Luckily consumers have a hotline and a website to request replacement.

  2. I purchased a DVD without the extras. Went online to request a new one, and had it at my doorstep the next afternoon. I’ve just got to send the other back in the prepaid envelope they provided. At least they owned up to the mistake and are making good by it.

  3. I bought the Target version (came bound together with the shooting script), decided to watch the deleted scenes just a minute ago, and lo and behold, NO DELETED SCENES! (Then Googled around and wound up here.) So I’m betting this screw-up applies to the whole run of Target special editions!

  4. If you call the hotline they send to a website and then they’ll send you a new disc in 2-3 days. You just have to answer a few questions about the dvd along with the proof of purchase number. It’s simple enough.

  5. The same shit happened to me years ago with a two disc edition I bought of Romper Stomper. It said on the 2nd disc that there was a documentary on the history of neo nazi skinheads and it’s impact. Seems interesting right? Well, I wouldn’t fuckin know cause the damn disc didn’t have it. Apparently it happened with a lot of them.

  6. It loooks like what happened is Fox’s new strategy exploding in their faces. As previously announced Fox will be releasing “Sale” and “Rental” versions of DVD’s. The “Sale” version will have special features etc. and the “Rental” version will be just the film, for all new Fox DVD releases apparently. This is one of the first films they are doing it with, and they mispackaged a large number of “Rental” copies in “Sale” Boxes. That is what they get for trying to screw people over who would rather spend $5 to rent a movie, than $25 to buy it.

  7. I didn’t buy the movie. But I remember back in 2005 when DVDs were released with 1 or 2 discs. 1 disc being obviously just the movie and the 2 disc being the movie and special features. I remember the first movie I saw this happen with was Batman Begins.

  8. That is amazing fox is so funny Oh and when I watched it the other day Warner Brothers also had a hand in Slum Dog and months ago they argued over Watchmen they are confusing me.

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