The Hollywood walk of fame has become a cheap sideshow that has little to no value anymore since they give just about anyone and everyone who’s ever had more than 3 minutes of fame. For my money, the much more prestigious honor is having your hand and foot prints in cement at the world famous Chinese Theater in Hollywood. It really is hall of legends. And now it appears Hugh Jackman is being added to the honor list.
Twentieth Century Fox is extending a special invitation to Jackman’s legions of fans – as well as to the community of X-Men and Wolverine comics readers and movie enthusiasts – to “witness the origins” of this special event at 10:00 a.m.
Look, everyone knows that I’m a Hugh Jackman fan. I’ve mentioned that several times… but there is NO WAY IN HELL, as much as I love the guy, that Hugh Jackman’s career (at this point) deserves to be given this honor. NO WAY.
There is also NO WAY IN HELL you’ll ever convince me that this “honor” wasn’t bought and paid for by the studio considering it’s being done just as Wolverine is about to released. This is a purchased marketing plan and I hate it. To me, this completely devalues the entire walk at the Chinese Theater. Why not just put up a “THIS SPOT FOR PURCHASE” on some empty space in front of the theater… cause that’s all it is now. Sad… very very sad.