Superbad Reviews

Superbad-Reviews-PosterThe early Superbad reviews are out, and they look beyond solid. I’ve been a fan of Jonah Hill since his role in Grandma’s Boy (a cheap little comedy that you should actually check out sometime). He plays “that character” so well. And the mediocre film “Accepted”, he stood out and a noticeable bright spot in an otherwise bland movie… and now here he is as a legitimate lead, and if the early Superbad reviews are any indication… it won’t be his last.

Here is what some of the critics are saying in their Superbad reviews:

“As a Revenge of the Nerds redux, Superbad isn’t perfect. But it’s super close.”

David Ansen – Newsweek

“The movie succeeds as a teen’s wild fantasy of a night in which everything goes wrong, revised by an adult’s melancholy sense that nothing was ever meant to go right.”

David Denby – New Yorker

“The bawdy jokes score big points, but it’s the rueful acknowledgement of adolescent embarrassment and humiliation that most distinguishes Superbad.”

Todd McCarthy – Variety

“What they came up with is one of the most authentic and hilarious high school films in memory.”

Phil Villarreal – Arizona Daily Star

As of this moment, Superbad is holding an unbelievable 92% on Rotten Tomatoes. I actually skipped a screening of this at Comic Con this year… damn… maybe I should have gone! I can’t wait to see this. Look for my review this weekend.

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11 thoughts on “Superbad Reviews

  1. ENTER YOUR COMMENTS HERE. Make sure you fill out the box below this one before submitting your comment

    I was reluctant on seeing Superbad . I figured that this would be the typical ‘ teen movie ‘ , and being a 35yr old woman …being reminded of my teens is a memory I would love to forget. But this movie completely dealt with the awkwardness and insecurities of teens whose hormones are raging and want to fit in !! Hilariously written with a great cast !!It was crude , gross , and disgusting !! A MUST SEE !!

  2. I saw the screening last week and I felt disappointed leaving the theater. The best part of the movie was with the cops and when you see it you’ll know what I mean.

  3. This movie might be worth watching in theaters. It has the some of the influential minds from the 40 year old virgin (which is one of my favorite movies).

    I’ll wait and see what happens.

  4. Grandma’s Boy is good for what it is.

    I had never heard of it, and watched it on DVD and was blown away. The movie was so out in left field, I loved it myself.

  5. I just went to a screening of Superbad. Hilarious. I’m glad that someone finally made a movie with kids going to college that actually look like they are going to college (Accepted doesn’t count cause it felt like a mac commercial). You can def. relate to the characters whether it be with yourself or someone you grew up with. The comedy didn’t really try to be to over the top (like Napoleon which made me dumber as a human). And there was a bunch of memorable. A must see.

  6. You know, this type of movie appeals to me, but this movie doesn’t. I haven’t laughed once at any of the trailers I’ve seen. It doesn’t look funny. The slapstick stuff (the throwing of the baseball bat) wasn’t cute and I felt embarrassed to have to watch it (and I’m a HUGE slapstick fan, when it’s done right).

    I felt the same way about the Hot Rod trailer.

    Looks like a rental to me.

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