Anthony Whyte

Josh Brolin joins Old Boy

There has been quite a bit of speculation regarding who would take the lead in the upcoming Spike Lee directed remake of “Old Boy” and today we learn that Josh Brolin has been confirmed for the part. Source: Worst Previews Josh Brolin has been cast as the lead in “Oldboy,” … [Read More]

Justin Lin talks Terminator

Justin Lin has become the talk of the town in Hollywood, and boy is he talking! Today he’s specifically talking about his appreciation for the Terminator franchise and touches a little on his ideas for returning Sarah Connor to the film franchise. Source: Geek Tyrant …it’s gone through a change … [Read More]

Tron 3 in 2013

There have been murmurs, rumors, and tons of speculation regarding the next entry in the Tron franchise. Tron legacy did pretty well for itself in the box office but it seemed as if things might have detoured in another direction after Joseph Kosinski’s Oblivion project at Disney got the passed … [Read More]

Look at the Huntsman

It’s been quite some time since this project was initially announced, and today we finally get a look at Chris Hemsworth and Kristen Stewart in their roles as Snow White and the Huntsman. Check it out: Via: The Flick Cast The pictures look a little bit more “mature” than I … [Read More]