Movie News Chat

So we might get another Hulk movie after all


I have mixed feelings about the following. Kevin Feige has updated Marvel’s stance on a standalone Hulk movie and are open to the possibility… in like 2017. Yeah. If they do make another Hulk movie it won’t release until after Avengers 2 which is like 2 lifetimes away from now.


I don’t think there’s a lot that we couldn’t do someday, as the cinematic universe continues to grow and expand and get as big as the comic book universe. Planet Hulk is a cool story. World War Hulk is a cool story. I think there are pitfalls of continuity-overload, and mythology getting so dense that it almost collapses in on itself. It happens every few decades or so in the comics. Apart from that, I’d say everything is on the table.

Do I think Hulk can carry a movie and be as entertaining as he was in Marvel’s The Avengers? I do believe that. I do believe he absolutely could. We certainly are not even going to attempt that until The Avengers 2. So there’s a lot of time to think about it.

Part of what’s fun about the way we played him in Marvel’s The Avengers is the ensemble quality of it. I think the pathos and humor showcased a different element of Hulk that’s there in the comics, and was always inherent in his character. But when he was so brooding in his other two films, he didn’t get to have that wry sense of humor.


World War Hulk, Planet Hulk, Hulk Smashing… THATS WHAT I WANNA HEAR! Who doesn’t want to see that in a movie? And what do you mean by 2017? How many Hulk actors will we have gone through by then? I like the Hulk as a character. and every few years I read a couple of issues and follow a storyline or two to check in on ol Bruce Banner. I’m pretty sure we all watched his 2 recent solo movies but the first one put me to sleep and the 2nd one was enjoyable but highly underrated and seemingly abandoned. Hell, that movie had the highly entertaining Tim Roth as The Abomination and people still skipped out on that one. Mark Ruffalo was fine in the Avengers but he’s no Edward Norton and for some odd reason gets more attention than Chris Evans’ enjoyable performance as Captain America (which bothers me).


I have mixed feelings because I liked the way Norton portrayed him the most, and the way Marvel has(n’t) been retaining actors for the role leaves me wondering what incarnation we’ll see the next time they let the Green Goliath out.


And, again, 2017!? We’ll have had our Justice Leage and new Batman by then. Don’t they know how short my attention span can be? Fuck.


Via: Movieweb



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