So…Boba Fett Escaped The Sarlacc After All

So hopes Joe Johnston, anyway. Now it could have been a little joke, but since George Lucas had been planning that Star Wars LA series, it got me thinking. But first things first-

From the nice folks from Screenrant:

Towards the end of our conversation I asked Johnston if his former boss and mentor, George Lucas, had seen the Captain America. The director gave us this somewhat surprising and thoroughly intriguing response:

“You know if he wants to see it, I would show it to him. I’m trying to get George to make a feature based on Boba Fett.”

When asked if he would direct the film Johnston said simply, “I would like to, it would be a lot of fun.”

Yes, a solo spin-off Boba Fett film would be awesome for many. The downside to it, however, is that I don’t think it will. Lucas might as well retcon the Star Wars novels that started after The Battle of Endor ended. So Johnston’s comment is either a joke (which I think it is) or…

Well, there are *two* other avenues. First obvious solution : videogame, Star Wars Battlefront IV or something like that. The other is that planned tV series Lucas is prepping for a few years now.
While it’s concievable that one could slap the name ‘Star Wars’ on the show and folks will tune in and all you showed them was bantha fodder, if the series made “Star Wars” Bounty Hunters a focus?
We would get our drama, our blaster/lightsaber fix (Other than Yoda and Obi-Wan, Order 66 didn’t wipe out all Jedi. It was established that the majority of them were killed) and there would be an iconic SW character to be there.

Or we could have a Fett series set after the victory at Endor. Fett escapes the Scarlacc, and, with Jabba gone and The Empire defeated, he becomes a Ronin type, but stays away from “current” affairs. It would also be an opportunity to kill off Fett with a epic death, instead of the Scarlacc burping.

Just food for thought. Those are the only way I could see just a proposal (again, if it were serious) work. What do you think, folks?

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