Marvel Mini-Movies?

We all know about Marvel’s big schedule plans for their main A-List superheroes. But what about the B-List ones?

A while back, there was a rumor that Marvel was toying with the idea of producing movies for this “not as popular” heroes with a budget around the $20-$40 million range. After that, silence ruled until now. Apparently, Marvel is now toying with the idea of producing 10-minute short films to maybe play in front of other tent pole movies, or even before any A-List superhero movie.

JoBlo reports:

Latino Review is reporting that Marvel Studios is in talks to introduce some of their second-tier characters through a series of 10-minute short films that would run before some of their upcoming features (like THOR and CAPTAIN AMERICA). Exactly which characters will be highlighted remains unclear but Latino mentions Black Panther, Luke Cage and Dr. Strange. Not surprisingly, these are some of the same characters mentioned along with the rumors that Marvel is producing some lower-budgeted movies around secondary characters.

I like this idea. Financially it makes sense. Artistically, maybe hardcore fans of these superheroes won’t be that thrilled. That’s understandable. But hey, if I were them, I’d prefer to have a great 10-minute short than to have nothing at all.

I can see this working…What about you guys? If done, what B-List Marvel hero would you want to get a 10-minute short?

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18 thoughts on “Marvel Mini-Movies?

  1. I love this idea. I myself am not a comic book reader, but I love comic book characters. So I would love to see some short films based on heroes I’ve never heard of. What a great way to introduce them to the film-going audience.

    The only thing is, these films have got to be tight. Make it almost like an extended trailer. Get the audience excited about, for all intents and purposes, an unknown character. Let the buzz build. Let them clamor for a full-length feature. Then you’ve got ’em.

    Kudos to whatever studio exec came up with that idea.

  2. This is a wonderful idea.

    Let’s say a CGI animated ten minute short. Take your pick! For ten minutes, a Beta Ray Bill story might be nice.

    If it is live action, I could see stuff like a SHIELD training/recruitment video; perhaps a “serialized” story with The Black Knight, supporting characters from the films such as Doc Sampson from The Incredible Hulk “becoming” the hero Doc Sampson. (and Ty Burr could reprise)

    A teaser to an upcoming film has potential. Doctor Strange- give me a short film that gives an origin story. Next year or so, the movie. Don’t bother with the origin. There you go (Note: Doctor Strange’s origin from the comics bears a slight resemblance to Batman’s training in the rebooted films; if the Strange feature film were to have the training under the Ancient One…)
    I could also see a Namor origin as well- a young namor. Then, the feature happens with an older recast Namor etc.

  3. this sounds like a great idea because they can scope out the audiences and find out what people want to see and then make a full-fledged movie out of it and be able to skip the introduction of the character.

  4. I’m a fan of this idea. Plenty of interesting b-list characters to explore.

    Another way they could do it would be to bundle some shorter films together and make an anthology movie.

  5. Young Avengers. More specifically Hulkling and Wiccan (formerly known as Asgardian). Their relationship could make for an interesting mini movie IMO..

  6. Giving some spotlight to second tier characters seems to work fine for a fanboy like myself. And like most people have posted, if it seems to grab people’s attention then they could lead up to feature films or something else. For darker tones in films and leading more to that adult R rated line I would like for them to do characters such as Moon Knight (a hardcore vigilante with focus on his mental instability), Task Master (mercenary criminal for hire, maybe gets set up from a client and seeks out vengeance), Luke Cage, even recreate focus or revamp Bullseye (Though I think Colin Farrel did a good job portraying him) or even Kingpin’s rise to power. There are other possibilities that I think they can go with, even mess with the idea of Avengers West Coast since most of them are B-List characters anyways.

  7. I’d love to see a Luke Cage Iron Fist short. The two characters have great chemistry and even though they are not considered B-List, they should have a short together.

    1. I think in this instance Cage and Iron Fist would be considered B-Listers. Basically, I’m guessing they’re talking about lesser known (to the general public) characters. Luke and Fist are definitely not house hold names. I’m sure some will say that Iron Man was a lesser know character prior to the movies. And while he wasn’t as well known as Spidey, Cap or the Fantastic Four. There had been several animated series staring the character.

      I’d love to see a Power Man and Iron Fist short. Or a perhaps a Black Panther movie. Namor would be cool too, but I’ve always heard that filming water scenes are very expensive. Now that she’s been introduced in Iron Man and will be part of the Avengers, the Black Widow has all the makings of an interesting movie.

  8. Not only could they do shorts of B-listers but they could also do short films that could be lead up to their main movies. Like for XMen First Class you could do five short films about each of the original five (assuming First Class is going to go with the original five of McCoy, Worthington, Drake, Grey, and Summers) and maybe have them all end with meeting/getting a message from Xavier.

    Dr Strange would nice although I’d like to see him in a full movie (Jonathan Frakes???).

    Or the Morlocks (because I don’t like how they were done in X3).

    And don’t forget villains.
    Venom (because I think he was cheated in Spiderman 3)
    Black Tom (a short with his brother Banshee)
    Silver Samurai

  9. Dido , do it like Pixar is-running them before hand. it’s actually old school style like disney used to do

    I’d love to see this

    Dr. Strange
    Silver Surfer(I know, I know)
    Yellow Jacket
    Scarlet Spider
    Spider woman
    She Hulk

    no limits to the possibilities!

  10. Iron fist

    Quicksilver – he has daddy issues and could be a grabber if you give a taste of this complex dude

    I also would like a Black bolt short. I mean this guy can’t talk or people die so it would be a dark silent piece = EPIC

  11. Is this gonna be like Pixar’s short animations that play before feature films?
    if it is i think its a great idea and the short films can lead to full length films like it happened with Wall-e.
    And i would like to see a Cable short film.

  12. Not such a B-list hero but Namor just him in a short, fighting Nazi, would be great. I would want to see a full movie but if it gets good critical response, it should get the attention it deserves.

  13. i agree with cloud i am a hard core fan and i am loving this idea this would make a great set up to see how things go and if things dont work out they can change it to make it better i am excited for this news

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