Gears of War Movie – Latest Update

Here’s a quick update on the Gears of War movie lots of people want to see happen. For the last couple of months, we haven’t heard anything new about it. It seems, they are pretty busy with the development of the franchise’s third entry due next April – I have no problem with this.

IGN reports:

“We got really close to making it with [director] Len Wiseman. It was like a $150 million budget, and at that point the studio decided they wanted to do the more contained kind of Cloverfield version of the film,” Godfrey recalled.

He continued, “So we’ve kind of gone back to the drawing board and we’re about to hire a writer and do something that’s much more experiential and less of the big, bloated videogame movie, which we’re actually creatively excited about.”

“I think a lot of times when these films fail you’re trying to have characters sit there and talk about the backstory and the plot, and when in reality you want to be in the experience of the game,” Godfrey added.

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6 thoughts on “Gears of War Movie – Latest Update

  1. The studio kept cutting the budget until the project dried up. Forget it. If it’s greenlit at this point, it will be a lot budget piece of trash with one action scene.

  2. While Halo and GoW both are awesome titles It seems like they are only saying Live Action Adaption because they are so popular (Than again it because they are so popular that they are talking about that)

    I want to see an Assassin’s Creed Trilogy of films!!! There is a plenty plot there for them to use as well is a great Sci-Fi undertone.

    I Also want to see a Splinter Cell movie. Because I’ve been playing it for a long time that the story grew on me.

    The last one is one I REALLY want to see be made into a movie. The New game from Square Enix “Deus Ex: Human Revolution” Just because the way they made that trailer, it makes it seem like an Epically Awesome movie trailer. If you haven’t seen it check it out!!!

  3. i think they should try out a animated direct to movie dvd and not like the dantes inferno animated movie one with a good director and is promoted well to see what its reaction is to the people then they can go from there

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