Movie News Chat


I try not to get to enthusiastic about movies that haven’t even gone onto production yet (unless it’s a sequel or popular comic adaptation ...
1 min read
Uncut Podcast

The Audio Edition – Monday September 12th 2005

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=6764544 AudioDescription= Today, Doug and I discuss Richard's story of the announcemnt of the new "Special" Sin City DVD with tons of special features and how we're getting sick and tired of these companies blackmailing us... the fans... into purchasing multiple versions of their DVDs. We also look at the discussion of "Who are the best actors working today" and about how much hate mail I get because I don't include Al Pachino or Robert DeNiro o nmy list. Finally we chat about the fact that Superman Returns is apparently going to cost $250 million to make. Isn't that crazy? All this and a few things more. AudioExplicit=Yes AudioDuration=00:28:11
2 min read
Movie News Chat

Shark Tale

Dreamworks Pictures is set to release SharkTale and the trailer is now available from the official website. I found the button on the main ...
2 min read