Drillbit Taylor Review

Thanks for checkout out our Drillbit Taylor review. Let me say this right up front. Seth Rogen and Judd Apatow ought to be ASHAMED of themselves for this pathetic, boring, laughless and shameless Superbad carbon copy movie they’ve put out. ...

Poultrygeist Trailer

My dear sweet heavens. The studio folks sent me this new trailer for Lloyd Kaufman’s “Poultrygesit: Night of the Chicken Dead“. This film played at the Toronto After Dark film festival this past October… and everyone who saw it said ...

Redesign Complete

Hey there guys. As most of you noticed last week we started implementing a redesign around here. I didn’t post about the change or mention it out loud because I didn’t want to say anything before it was actually finished. ...

Happy Easter from The Movie Blog

For those of you who practice the religious observation of Easter, or even those who just like to desecrate chocolate bunnies. Image borrowed from Tikistich, wife to the most fanatical and envied Star Wars collectible enthusiast in the world (she ...

Typography in Film

I have always been fascinated with the visual, and being a graphic artist, typography often captures me a little more than the average person who just sees words. How a font lends to the meaning of a word, its feeling, ...