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Lindsay Lohan and the drama on the set of the ‘Canyons’



The Canyons is a contemporary L.A. noir about the dangers of sexual obsession and ambition, both personally and professionally, among a group of young people in their 20s and how one chance meeting connected to the past unravels all of their lives, resulting in deceit, paranoia, cruel mind games and ultimately violence.

By now you may have heard the story of Lindsay Lohan and what happened during the filming of the four way sex scene is making it’s round on the internet. If you haven’t heard about it already, that’s what this post is about. Sort of. It is some ways about the scene in respect to what happened during the filming of ‘The Canyons’, a 2013 film which has yet to find a distributor, but what this post really is about is the behind the scenes story presented by New York Times reporter, Stephen Rodrick.
You don’t have to be a fan of Lindsay Lohan to read this article, or dislike her. Or maybe you’re a fan of the train wreck, or you were actually interested in this film. This isn’t an attempt to get all TMZ at The Movie Blog andStephen’s article is a fine piece of writing of what happens behind the scenes while filming a movie with Lohan, as he followed the production of The Canyons from start to finish. If you haven’t heard of ‘The Canyons’ it’s a film directed by Paul Schrader (writer of Taxi Driver, 1976 and Raging Bull, 1980) and written by Bret Easton Ellis (author of American Psycho, 1991). The film is a micro-budget movie where $159,015 was raised through Kickstarter and the remaining money was funded directly by those associated with the film itself. The budget was so small in fact that actors were only paid $100/day, including Lohan herself. The hope was that despite it’s budget it would look like a million dollar film and get chosen for Sundance.
I encourage you to give the article a read because it’s pretty fascinating, and yet it’s also sad and tragic.
“Here Is What Happens When You Cast Lindsay Lohan in Your Movie” – By STEPHEN RODRICK
The Canyons is a contemporary L.A. noir about the dangers of sexual obsession and ambition, both personally and professionally, among a group of young people in their 20s and how one chance meeting connected to the past unravels all of their lives, resulting in deceit, paranoia, cruel mind games and ultimately violence.
A series of trailers have been done to reflect an era, ie 50s/60s/70s. Here is the 50s teaser trailer:

Actual clip from the movie can be seen here:

I say that the news is fascinating, tragic and sad all at the same time. The fact, (I think!), is she’s likely surrounded by enablers and she’s also had a tough upbringing. I think it’s also clear that her mom and dad tried to capitalize on her fame. Her mom especially wasn’t the supportive mom she Lindsay needed. Hell, I wouldn’t party with my mom. It’s all sorts of fucked up. It’s child actors and shit that happens and when it hits the web it’s a fascinating study. I don’t know.

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