Green Lantern 2 And 3 Already Ordered?

Marvel is pushing hard to deliver on their plans. Next to them, DC seems a little lazy regarding their plans for Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, etc. Why are they so slow on committing to these iconic characters? We still have no word on most of their characters. At least we do know that The Green Lantern is their main focus right now. This is good news regarding their commitment to it. Is Green Lantern the new Lord Of The Rings?

CinemaBlend reports:

Bleeding Cool claims that shooting on Green Lantern 2 is now scheduled to begin before the first movie is even released. The first film is currently shooting in New Orleans and they’re even making plans to use current shooting locations in the sequel, as stand-ins for “Coast City”, Lantern Hal Jordan’s home in the comics.

What’s more if the first movie does big money they may go right on with a third movie, turning the Green Lantern series into a sort of superhero Lord of the Rings with non-stop shooting of all three films back to back to back.

They seem to like what they are doing. But, are the fans going to like it? We still haven’t seen a teaser, nor some footage of Reynolds on action with the full suit. We haven’t seen any footage of what the powers/effects will look like. This is a lot of “haven’t seens” for us fans. Some times, what the studio likes, doesn’t mean that the fans will like. This is the only negative I can see regarding this plan of going ahead with doing all three films a la LOTR. I hope they nail the first one. There’s a lot riding on that one. I need to see a trailer. Then I’ll tell you guys how I feel about shooting back to back to back.

You want them to do this, without you seeing any footage/trailer? Is this a good move, regarding today’s movie business? Is the Green Lantern story strong enough for a three movie arc?

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