David Gordon Green’s Nutcrackers, a comedy-drama starring Ben Stiller, attempts to combine heartfelt family bonding with sharp humor but ultimately fails to deliver on either front. While Stiller’s talent as a seasoned actor brings occasional moments of levity, the film ...
Robert De Niro received the prestigious Chaplin Award for Lifetime Achievement from the Film Society of Lincoln Center at their annual gala at the Koch Theater Monday evening. (Previous recipients include Tom Hanks, Morgan Freeman, Robert Redford, Michael Douglas and ...
Fifteen years have passed since the Ben Stiller’s cult classic Zoolander debut. Stiller is back at it again in Zoolander No. 2. He’s joined by a slew of comedy all-stars including: Owen Wilson, Kristen Wiig, and Will Farrell. The film ...
[springboard type=”video” id=”1159713″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ] Get ready for the wildest and most adventure-filled Night At the Museum ever as Larry (Ben Stiller) spans the globe, uniting favorite and new characters while embarking on an epic quest ...
[springboard type=”video” id=”841783″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ] A day-dreamer escapes his anonymous life by disappearing into a world of fantasies filled with heroism, romance and action. When his job along with that of his co-worker are threatened, ...
Walter Mitty, once played by Danny Kaye in 1947 is now being played by Ben Stiller, who also directs the movie. The trailer is pretty fun, with epic music that makes you yearn for adventure blaring over Mitty’s ...
Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Jonah Hill, and Richard Ayoade going through the neighborhood and keeping things safe from the riff raff. This has potential written all over it and could be one of the sleeper hits of the summer. Today ...