“Lucky Hank” is Bob Odenkirk, in his first television outing since leaving “Better Call Saul.” The premier episode of the AMC+ series premiered at SXSW on March 12th (Oscar day), showing once, and only once, at the Stateside Theater in ...
The cast of Love & Death descended onto the SXSW stage to premiere their new HBO MAX series. Onstage with his castmates, Jesse Plemons (“Breaking Bad“) was a shadow of his former self, showing off a remarkable weight loss since ...
“Caterpillar” was a fascinating documentary at SXSW about a new YouTube fad, changing one’s eye color, which is done, surgically, in India. It sounded very dicey, and, as it turns out, it is. Endlessly struggling to feel seen, David becomes ...
To Leslie was shot in 19 days, but, come 2023 Oscar time, its star, Andrea Riseborough, has earned an Oscar nomination, even if the movie only earned $27,000 worldwide. When I saw it at SXSW in 2022, I was impressed ...
“Babylon” is Damien Chazelle’s salute to the movies, following on the heels of Sam Mendes’ similar homage to the film in “Empire of Light.” I’ve never met Sam Mendes, although I admire his work. But I met Damian Chazelle, when ...
The Austin Film Festival screened The Fire That Took Her. An Ohio mother-of-two Judy Malinowski was doused in gasoline and set on fire by her crazed ex-boyfriend, Michael Slager. Judy would go on to become the first person to testify ...
October 28th was the World Premiere of the film “Sam & Kate” at the Paramount Theater in Austin, Texas, during the Austin Film Festival. “A life-affirming family dramedy that takes place in a small town in the heart of the ...
Jennifer Lawrence has been largely quiet, of late, perhaps primarily because she got married (2019) and had a child, Cy (2022). She founded a production company, Excellent Cadaver, and that company, with Lawrence as producer and star, just completed “Causeway,” ...
“Call Jane” revisits the bad old days of the sixties and early seventies when it was illegal to get a therapeutic abortion in the United States. Elizabeth Banks plays Joy Farrell, the wife of an attorney (Will, played by Chris ...
“Raymond and Ray” premieres on Apple TV+ on October 21st and is a part of the Chicago International Film Festival. It stars Ethan Hawke (Ray) and Ewan McGregor (Raymond) who play half-brothers in the film. The brothers are offspring of a ...
“The Lost King” is the story of Philippa Langley and, as its synopsis says: “In 2012, having been lost for over 500 years, the remains of King Richard III were discovered beneath a parking lot in Leicester. The search had ...
Still Working 9 to 5 at the Nashville Film Festival Back in 1981, Dolly Parton’s theme song snagged an Oscar nomination for the film 9 to 5. (Her song lost to the theme from “Fame”). Some 42 years later the ...