Rampage Jackson Joins the A-Team

What started out as a rumour on an MMA fan blog, has spiraled into some resemblance of fact as the coveted role of Sgt Bosco A Baracus for the new A-Team film adaptation has been handed to MMA meatball Rampage ...

Could Pixar being doing Ant Man?

While fanboys are still reeling from the news that Disney is buying Marvel we have been attempting to calm the geek masses with our speculation that Disney or Pixar would have no real involvement in the Marvel Universe as Marvel ...

Children of the Corn Reboot?

Children of the Corn might be a franchise some won’t recognize or may have heard in passing when people talk about creepy Stephen King films. Based on his short story, the franchise has birthed seven chapters of mostly direct to ...

Saw VI Teaser Trailer Online

I actually enjoyed the first couple Saw flicks, but after that they just turned into a repetition of the first with more creative torture porn graphic scenes, which frankly bored me. What was once fresh and interesting in the world ...

Happy Birthday Star Trek

One franchise that I have enjoyed off and on throughout the years is Star Trek. Granted it’s origin predates even my birth, and I was 5 when Star Wars came out and was a far bigger fan of that. But ...