I am back again with another installment of the MSN FilmFan segment to talk about .
MSN FilmFan has weekly updates for us each Wednesday and this will go on for the first half of the Summer Season, and I will see if you want me to take over these weekly features for the rest of the summer and beyond.
This week filmfan supergeek Sami Jarroush talks Captain America: The First Avenger as well as Friends with Benefits.
I already saw Friends with Benefits when it was called No Strings Attached with Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman. But Mila Kunis is insanely hot. I will get to it.
So obviously I will be eager to see Captain America.
But will Captain America dethrone Harry Potter for the number one spot at the Boxoffice?
*This is a sponsored content article that is a part of the MSN FilmFan blogger program.