MGM still Remaking Poltergeist

MGM is on rocky ground and all anyone wants to know what was going to happen with The Hobbit, James Bond and the Poltergeist remake.

Ok, I added that last one to segue into the story. It seems that despite the financial stress MGM is facing they are forging forward with their plan to remake Poltergeist.

Get the Big Picture says:

What about Poltergeist? Bloody-Disgusting heard from MGM recently, probably in an effort to borrow money. But part of the discussion was about Poltergeist, and MGM says House of Sand and Fog director Vadim Perelman is still planning to shoot the project as early as the first quarter of 2010.

I loved Poltergeist, but I think it would do well to be remade. However recent remakes of horror films have been less than impacting with me so I hope the trend of horror remakes takes a step in the right direction.

I just hope it doesn’t fall victim to the curse

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18 thoughts on “MGM still Remaking Poltergeist

  1. I know Rodney has certain rules for remakes and I’m not at all against them in general, but Poltergeist,I think, really stands up well even after all these years. It was a great experience that can’t be duplicated and trying to will just muddy the memory of the original. For example-
    The little blonde girl was awesome, the creepy little lady with the spooky voice was brilliant, Craig T. Nelson and Jobeth Williams were perfectly cast as the suburban, 80’s parents. It’s just unnecesary to remake this.

  2. A remake sounds good, but from all the things I’ve heard about the Poltergeist curse I wouldn’t touch it if I were film maker. I wonder if Spielberg would produce this (what am I saying, of course not). Still, I dare someone to remake the Exorcist.

  3. ps, no CG is not cheaper. it’s just that you can accomplish more digitally, than you can on a practical set.
    There are no “Lightning” ,”make it snow”, ” make a cool explosion”, or “CG ghost” buttons.
    next time you watch a vfx driven movie, fast Foreward to the end credits, (The VERY end bc they don’t get any recognition) to the effects houses and look at the ARMY of people working on it. seriously, the stuff ain’t easy, and takes hours to DAYS to make a one and a half second shot look good.
    CG is huge in films because you are not constrained by location, and practice effects, and a limit as to what a tangible, real prop can produce. you don’t have to actually FILL a stadium of people with extras, or wait on the “perfect” time of day.

    -BUT. it is not cheap, and it is NOT easy.


    seriously. STOP.

    you’re in a fix?
    need a movie to get you out of finacial trouble?

    how’s about get one of those people you pay a decent amount of cash to go a find a story written by one of the THOUSANDS of writers out there, and make that.

    PLease stop trying to live vicariously thru Generation X by attempting to re-create all the things that made up the excitement, and IMAGINATION of their childhood.

    I am so sick and tired of these prequels, sequels, remakes, and “re-envisioning” of movies, and television shows from the 80’s.
    there is Absolutely NO reason other than a ( hopefully) cash cow for the studios. No one cares about how much it made opening weekend. That film still holds up today, visually, and thru it’s cinematography, and it’s storytelling. go rent/netflix/download/or buy it and watch it if you need to.

    This crap is getting ridiculous, and eventually people are going to get tired of it and the ensuing backlash is going to cause a crash in the movie industry as well.

    -MOVE Forward.

  5. I loved Poltergeist as a kid and love it today. I do agree that this could be great for a remake but ,as with all other remakes, can be truly awful.
    If they keep the campiness down and keep it serious, this should be real good and Vadim Perelman is an interesting choice for directing and could be the best for it. Again, could be the worse.

    I guess I am truly 50/50 on this. =/

  6. Although the story about real cadavers on the set of Poltergiest II The Other Side is still notorious, I don’t think there’s anything to “the curse”. In any case, I can understand why the remake is still on for MGM. It is apparent they want to start a new franchise with some name value.

    Poltergiest has many other strengths to be remade. One of the top reasons is that it would be one horror where if it gets a PG or PG-13 rating, nobody is going to sweat it. I just hope they don’t cast on the basis of “Which kid looks like the late Heather O’Rouke” or “Kahty Bates replacing Zelda Rubenstien” etc. , and while there isn’t really anything wrong with seeing a paranormal investigator’s face fall off or maggots exploding out of a steak, I would like to see some new gags. However:

    Give the masses at least one evil clown doll, a tree that rapes, skeletons in the swimming pool…and malicious Real Estate agents.

    1. Consider how many people died since that film too. Its creepy.

      Carol Anne (Heather O’Rourke) died during the third film, and the young actress they made up to look like her (to finish the movie) was freaking creepy looking.

      1. They did use a body double in a few scenes but they never showed her face. O’Rourke looked different because of the medicine she was made her face swell.

  7. Ummm…just make a spooky haunted house story! Don’t remake Poltergiest. The 1 pro since MGM is pretty much broke they can’t go all stupid ass CGI ghost, so maybe we’ll get something inventive and creepy.

    1. a computerized ghost costs less to make on a computer, doesn’t it? or am I wrong? Isn’t that why CGI is so widely used these days? It’s easier and less costly to do all the work on the computer.

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