Bay Talks Transformers 2 and Friday the 13th

Michael Bay sat down for an interview with Entertainment Weekly and started to talk about Transformers Reveng of the Fallen and a little on Friday the 13th. quotes Bay:

When we were writing the script, I said to the writers, “I hate sequels that try to make it to the third movie. Pretend like we’re never having a third movie, so let’s go for broke on the second one. I hate those cliffhangers! Let’s just make this movie stand on its own.” I really feel this movie is not a forced sequel. I think the script is really good, and I think it’s got a lot of new stuff in it. There are a lot of rumors out there, but we’ve released a lot of fake stuff. We’ve done a really good job of keeping things secret.

Now I still hold true that his “Releasing fake stuff” is the fake stuff. He makes no effort whatsoever and lets internet rumours run rampant like he made them himself. He wants to keep you guessing, but honestly if he was going to release lies, why would he tell you he is lying! So before you all start.. again… I treat all movie news as rumours unless they are confirmed, so his gambit isn’t changing anything.

Meanwhile, back on the ranch… I do like that he is making the effort to approach this as a non-sequel. Likely there will be a third if this is even half as successful as the first movie. But its good to see he isn’t writing it like a Matrix sequel. This will be a self contained movie, with the benefit of the origin story already out of the way. That’s a good thing.

And while he is at it, he drops a bit about his Friday the 13th Remake:

I listened to the fans, you know, but you still have to make your own movie by respecting what was done and trying to give it a whole new twist.You’re just not going to believe the first 12 minutes! It’s a twist in itself.

A fresh look at a classic is almost expected. If it was a straight word for word translation of the original it wouldn’t be worth making let alone watching.

28 YEAR OLD SPOILER: One thing I am looking forward to is that Jason wasn’t really in the original and I hope that doesn’t change.

The supernatural element wasn’t really introduced until the very last minute as the unlikely star of the sequels apparently aged to a hulking adult with the raging mind of a child in the bottom of a lake.

I personally think Bay is a genius (despite what Uwe says) generating buzz for his projects in the face of the haters, and still finding phenomenal success. You can hate him if you want, but he is still going to get projects because he prints money for Hollywood.

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11 thoughts on “Bay Talks Transformers 2 and Friday the 13th

  1. Fair enough, but remember we only saw about that much of him in the first movie before too. Is it possible that the killer will be the mom and this is a “last shot of the movie” kind of thing?

    I think with the character so many sequels hinging on the success of the series they HAD to put him in their remake.

    Imagine. Jason was an afterthought and wasn’t even supposed to be in the first movie at all. The movie was about a mother’s revenge against loose teenage morals. Now he IS the franchise.

  2. I love Michael Bay. I haven’t loved all his movies, but when I just want to shut my brain off, he’s the one.

    I don’t care what he does in the future, I don’t care what anyone says, I don’t care if he hired some hoodoo priest to lay some mojo on the 1st Transformer, I’d love him forever and ever.

    Come on, guys. Different strokes for different people, right?

  3. Well Rodney, I may have disagreed with you several times in the past, but calling Michael Bay a “genius” (wow, it even hurts a little to type that) may be the worst thing you ever said.
    The man couldn’t direct traffic if he had to.
    If he’s so brilliant in marketing his dumb movies, he should have become a pr-adviser not a director. In the end, it’s the movie that counts, not the amount of pr-campaigning that went into securing a successful opening weekend.
    I know there’s some kind of magic spell laying over the editors of this site, which makes them somehow think that TRANSFORMERS was a great film. It wasn’t. It was shit. But it would just be too exhausting to open up that discussion again.

    I end with a quote from Mark Kermode, film critic for the BBC:
    “If Michael Bay wouldn’t be one of the most successful directors in Hollywood with millions of dollars at his disposal, he would be directing porn. Or more precisely, he would be directing adverts for porn.”

  4. Both Jason and his mother will be killers in the movie. It’s using various ideas from the first three movies in the series, as in a way, I guess you could say it’s a remake of Friday the 13th Parts 1-3.

  5. Normally, I’d agree with you Rodney about the dis info thing, but he actuay has been releasing some. The break in scheduling? Yeah, there was no break. They’ve been filming all this time. He only said there was an upcoming break in scheduling and gave the date, to throw everyone off and stop the flow of unofficial BtS pics and videos and reports that were flooding out.

  6. ohh i see..makes sense. but im almost positive that there will be a 3rd (maybe im just hoping that ther will be)

    and yeah its an opinion thing. i like every single one of his movies (every. single. one.) and hes the only person in the world that i can say that about, hence= hes my favorite

  7. I wouldn’t say he is the best there is. But he puts out some great popcorn movies. And sometimes I just want a popcorn movie! Bay delivers.

    A three movie contract simply means that IF there is a movie they are contractually obligated to fulfill their roles.

    Keep in mind, Alan Cumming signed a 3 movie deal when he played Nightcrawler. They didn’t use him in the third movie, but if they had, Alan would have had to play the role (and they would have to hire him instead of replace him)

    Its just in place to secure the same cast so they dont have the headache of replacing them IF that character is in a subsequent film.

  8. rodney

    HELL yeah!
    i love michael bay hes the best there is and ive been saying this for a while yet everyone disagrees

    btw arent the actors like in a 3 movie contract? doesnt that lead to us thinking there WILL be 3? besides with the kind of money transformers make- not having a 3rd would be crazy

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