Tarantino’s film noir theater experiment with Grindhouse was so that the audiences could visit the way cinema used to be presented. You went to a theater, saw a news reel, a feature film, some shorts, and a second feature all in one sitting.
Granted back then it cost you a quarter and it came with a coke in a glass bottle, but his vision was to recreate this experience. The two features, Planet Terror(directed by Robert Rodriguez) and Death Proof (directed by Quentin Tarantino) were also shot to reflect a different style of cinema than we are used to.
I didn’t care much for the films themselves, but the overall experience was interesting to have. But then when it came to the DVD release, that experience took a back seat and each of the features were released as their own title, and despite paying once to see it in theaters you had to pay twice to own it.
Now a special collectors edition Grindhouse 2 Disc Collectors Edition is being released on Bluray and DVD October 5th and we have the specs and box art.
Disc 1 – Theatrical Exhibition:
Grindhouse Feature (Planet Terror)
Intermission Cards
Don’t Trailer
Werewolf Women of the S.S Trailer
Thanksgiving Trailer
Grindhouse Feature (Death Proof)
Disc 2
Planet Terror
Robert Rodriguez’s 10-Minute Film School
The Badass Babes of Planet Terror
The Guys of Planet Terror
Casting Rebel
Sickos, Bullets, And Explosions: The Stunts of Planet Terror
The Friend, The Doctor, and the Real Estate Agent
Planet Terror Poster Gallery
Death Proof
Stunts On Wheels: The Legendary Drivers of Death Proof
Quentin’s Greatest Collaborator: Editor Sally Menke
The Guys of Death Proof
Kurt Russell as Stuntman Mike
Finding Quentin’s Gals
The Uncut Version of “Baby, It’s You” performed by Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Introducing Zoe Bell
Double Dare Trailer
Death Proof Extended Music
Death Proof Poster Gallery
Blu-Ray exclusive bonus features:
Robert Rodriguez’s 10-Minute Cooking School
The Makeup Effects of Planet Terror
The Hot Rods of Death Proof
From Texas to Tennessee: The Production Design of Death Proof
Extended Werewolf Women of The SS Trailer
View Extended Cut Of Werewolf Women of the SS Trailer with Commentary by Director Rob Zombie
The Making Of Werewolf Women of the SS Trailer
Extended Don’t Trailer
View Extended Cut Of Don’t Trailer with Commentary by Director Edgar Wright
The Making of Don’t Trailer
Don’t Storyboard/Trailer Comparison
View Don’t Storyboard/Trailer Comparison with Commentary by Director Edgar Wright
Don’t Storyboards Still Gallery
Don’t Poster
The Making of Thanksgiving Trailer
New York Times Talk with Quention Tarantino and Lynn Hirschberg at Comic Con 2006 Featuring the Directors and Cast of Grindhouse
Grindhouse Trailer Contest Winner Hobo With A Shotgun
Now this is how the movie should have been presented in the first place. Aside from them re-releasing and Lucasing the fanbase with another purchase, the decision to release the films as separate releases took away from Tarantino’s vision of the Grindhouse Experience, not just the films themselves.
Even the fake trailers were part of the experience, and it was almost as if the films themselves were secondary to the experience. Granted people who liked one part or the other are not likely to pick up this version. But at least its available to those who wanted it all in one presentation.