New Action Karate Kid Trailer Online

A new action based Trailer for The Karate Kid remake is online, and it shows us two things.

This will be cooler than anyone thought. This used the original script almost page for page.

This is my only concern about this remake. Its a great idea for a film, and while I was hesitant that they were remaking it, I have become convinced that it will be as good as the original. But mostly because it IS the original film with slight details and settings changed. The plot is the same, the characters are the same, and the results will be the same.

He will learn one unique move that is the result of some ancient family variation of traditional Kung Fu and it will give him the edge he needs. Roll credits.

Please be better than that!

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6 thoughts on “New Action Karate Kid Trailer Online

  1. Sorry Rodney.
    You COMPLETELY lost me.

    This comment is not in relation to if the remake is good or bad, but to your post in general, specifically this:

    “But mostly because it IS the original film with slight details and settings changed. The plot is the same, the characters are the same, and the results will be the same.”

    No, It isn’t.
    With enough “slight details and settings” changed, it is enough to make it different from the first film. A significant departure. It is not the same.

    “This used the original script almost page for page.”
    I haven’t read the new version’s shooting script; I wonder if you have.
    Could you really tell that they did from the new trailer? I sure can’t.
    All they did was use the general STORY and rework it into a NEW ONE.

    It is not the same thing.

    1. I see nothing different here from the original film. Now as I mentioned above, I hope they show something different that takes it in a different direction.

      But so far we have a kid moving to a new city where he doesn’t fit in, meets a girl, gets in a fight with the bully and tries to fight back with poor martial arts skills, meets unlikely mentor, mentor tells bully to stop fighting him until tournament, teaches him martial arts, he wins the tournament and the girl.

      Thats the story the trailers are telling us, and thats the same story as the first film, turn for turn right down to the gimmicky method of teaching the martial art and the interruption of the fight.

      No, I haven’t read the script, but if they want us to think this is going to be a different take on the same theme, they are doing a bad job at it.

      I still want to see it, and it looks a lot better than I thought it would, but it still looks like its the same movie in a different setting with different actors.

  2. I think their might still be some difference. I only think this because I have learned not to judge a movie based solely on trailer and I hope that they will have some justification for calling it the Karate Kid when, as far as I can tell, there is no Karate in it. But this may all just be wishful thinking.

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