Brett Ratner to Adapt Snow White

Brett Ratner is working with writer Melisa Wallack on a Snow White movie. This will not be a live action adpatation of the Disney Classic, but rather going back to the original Brothers Grimm story and giving it their own spin.

Filmschool Rejects says:

“This is not your grandfather’s Snow White,” Ratner said. “Melisa went back to the 500 year old folk tale and put in some of the things that were missing from Walt Disney’s film. His dwarves were miners, and here they are robbers. There is also a dragon that was in the original folk tale. Walt made one of the great movies of all time, but ours is edgy and there is more comedy. The original, made for its time, was soft compared to what we’re going to do.”

I love re-imaginings where they are not afraid to have fun with it. Snow White will always be remembered as the Disney Classic with hi-ho singing lovable dwarves, but that’s not how the story originally was in oral tradition.

Of course with any oral tradition, the story will change from time to time, and details are altered or lost. So this is just another look at the original tale with their own personal style added in.

It sounds like it could be a lot of fun, but with anything Ratner, I just hold my breath.

I will wait for a trailer, but the premise sounds great.

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8 thoughts on “Brett Ratner to Adapt Snow White

  1. i am actually fairly interested in seeing this. i am a fan of the brothers grimm stories and i would love to see one turned into a movie where its not disneyfied.

  2. I’m not sure about how I feel about this just yet. After all its just in the works and nothing finalized just yet, it can go either way. I know Ratner isn’t rather like much for his movies but I am one of the few that did enjoy X-Men 3 (sorry).

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