German Christmas Carol One Sheet Online

A new One Sheet has come out of Germany to advertise Jim Carrey’s A Christmas Carol.

Now while I am usually up for unique visuals in a poster, this one just doesn’t work for me.

First the Candle. Why does it have to be a person? Perhaps this will be more clear in the film but the candle having a face and arms just looks off. And while I just LOVE the trailing whisps of the flame forming Carrey’s face, I think that actually PUTTING his face in there takes away from that entirely. Its just looking like its trying to hard to force a simple effective technique, which then takes away from its simplicity.



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9 thoughts on “German Christmas Carol One Sheet Online

  1. Keep in mind this is an ad for Germans. They have different tastes and ideas. To me, if I were considering my audience, I’d say this poster was fairly German Expressionist. German Expressionist with a big Hollywood flair to it, but i think you get me.

  2. I’m getting a Nightmare on Elm Street vibe from the poster.

    Also, on first glance I thought the poster was a picture of a skull or demon.

  3. Its cool at first glance, but then when you think what the movie is probably about, it does seem to not fit, but without even a trailer out yet, maybe it does fit!

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