Miramax takes on Adult Children of Divorce

When a couple says “I do” there is already a daunting statistic that suggests eventually “you won’t”. Divorce is rampant and is reduced to the same odds of flipping a coin. The fallout in these breakups often ripple out far wider than the point of impact.

Now a film that addresses Divorce from a different eye has been picked up by Miramax. Adult Children of Divorce will be a comedy that will look at the lives of children who have grown up in the aftermath.

Yahoo News says:

The studio is developing a satirical comedy tentatively titled “A.C.O.D. (Adult Children of Divorce).” The screenplay by Ben Karlin, “Daily Show” head writer and co-creator of “The Colbert Report,” and Stu Zicherman centers on a grown man still caught in the crossfire of his parents’ 15-year-old divorce.

In “A.C.O.D.,” which Miramax acquired on spec, the lead character discovers he was unknowingly part of a study on divorced children. He’s enlisted in a follow-up years later that wreaks new havoc on his family.

So the dust has settled and the child caught in the middle of a messy divorce now finds himself opening old wounds as he finds out his experiences through the divorce are being studied.

Sounds ripe for comedic situation. The interviewer asking questions about a situation laid to rest years before and the subject answering with a new onslaught of emotion.

I’d like to see someone genuine and vulnerable in this role of a thirty something victim of his parent’s divorce. And someone like Bruce Willis as the investigating researcher.

I will keep an eye out for this.

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