Latino Review Ponders Reasons For The Death Of GRAYSKULL

He-Man-2We have a few reasons why Greyskull is dead in the water, and may have no hope of coming to fruition. We get the scoop from our friends at latino review:

So what is the latest on one of my favorite scripts of the year – Justin Marks’ GRAYSKULL? Nothing. As it stands, the project is dead at Warner Brothers.

For starters, Warners simply doesn’t get the property and wasn’t high on it to begin with.

The studio gave the execs at Silver Pictures a very small list of A-director names they would consider making the film with, amongst them Doug Liman and Bryan Singer who both passed.

Another reason and perhaps the biggest was that Navid McIIhargey, the exec who brought in He-Man to Silver Pictures, left the company last month to become a Senior VP at New Regency as reported last month in both trades. In the Hollywood business culture, once an exec leaves, usually his projects are killed by the new incoming exec.

There you go folks, it looks like those of us that had interest in a journey to Eternia are going to have to wait a while more, perhaps not at all. The blending of Sci-Fi and sword and sandal genres are not without their problems, but if done right – I think we could have seen something very cool.

The characters are what make the Eternia such an exciting place, and I for one am upset that I will not see Skeletor in time for christmas.

Based on the inside scoop graciously provided by the dudes over at Latino Review, I can’t see anything happening with project. If, down the road it leaves the hands of WB and goes elsewhere, perhaps. But until then I think the best we can hope for is watching reruns of the cartoons, the films with Dolph Lundgren and playing with the toys (which are awesome).

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9 thoughts on “Latino Review Ponders Reasons For The Death Of GRAYSKULL

  1. That’s right Doug, I’m very passionate about this issue…Warner Bros. You guys are fuckin’ idiots!!! I know you… I’ve worked with you in the past, and all I got to say is… You’re a bunch of pussy scallywags. You are a bunch of no-talent douche-bag nut handling fuck sticks!!! WB’s You fucks are so fucking stupid. You guys must work for fuckin’ Skeletor!!! You guys must be in cahoots with Hordak or fuckin’ King Hiss!!! I am furious over this shit! I’ve been waiting 3 years now for this piece of shit to come to light. Through the ridiculous John Woo bullshit, through the announcement of Mark’s script, and now this unforgivable act of treason. And by the way, that scum, Navid McIlhargey is an asshole for leaving! If you don’t wanna make this picture, someone else will you fucks! But in the meantime you can SUCK MY FUCKIN’ DICK!!! I’m pissed off now…FUCK!!! But He-man will still prevail…BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL!!!

  2. This is fuckin’ shit! I can’t fuckin’ believe this shit! Why???… Why .. They have to make this movie!!! fucking warner bros!!! What the fuck man! This news is pure trash, this news is pure fuckin’ tripe! FUCK THIS SHIT! They can suck my fuckin’ dick man, they can lick my hairy balls. FUCKIN’ COCKS!!! FUCK!!! WB You sackless bastards betta’ watch out! You stupid Fuckin’ Jackass’ with your head up your ass! Eat my ass mother-fuckers. Let me tell you something WB…you no good pieces of shit…if you don’t make this movie, you are a stupid fuckin’ piece ‘a’ shit cocksucker!!! You dogshit motha fuckers! Eat shit. You eat my shit. You suck!! Fuckin’ bastards. You guys are fuckin’ cunts… Why?… can you tell me why? No you can’t…because you are a no-talent pieces of fucking shit, tripe-ass bitchs. SO FUCK YOU!

  3. Word to Mr Forest!

    But Alas, I think WB is looking for quite a deal more than the rights to a movie that may or may not have a following anymore. However, if WB was smart, they would also take a run at the rights to remaking the Animated Series (starting a run, about a year or so before the movie) to reboot the franchise.

  4. Here’s an Idea, WB… trade the rights for “The Master of The Universe” film Greyskull with FOX to settle the Watchmen dispute! Then we can have a Eternian epic of equal proportions… even bring Zack Snyder on board. Hell bring back the whole 300 cast and crew to DON the roles!

    Who’s with me?

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