HBO Wants A Soprano Film, David Chase Says No Dice


It appears that if HBO had their way, they would cash The Sopranos at the box office. We get the following scoop from our friends at cinematical:

Sorry we missed this earlier, but during that same press tour mentioned in the Sex and the City sequel post, Michael Lombardo (president of HBO’s programming group) also said that HBO would be interested in a Sopranos film if David Chase is willing.

It’s no surprise HBO is looking to head back to the land of organized crime, and of course they’d be behind a feature film based on The Sopranos — especially after seeing the damage done by Sex and the City at the box office. But David Chase seems to have put this show behind him, and I personally think a feature film would be too much of a stretch.

I agree with the consensus over at cimematical, it’s best to leave this series alone. The ending was hated by some, and loved by others – but everyone was talking about it and I cannot think of a better way to end a television run. To have fans coming together and wrestling for meaning is just about the best way to end something. It certainly beats a wake up to a dream sequence – that’s for sure.

I think we can safely declare this film dead in the water.

For those of you that are Sopranos fans – what do you think? Would you like to see a film, or are you happy with letting things remain as they are?

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22 thoughts on “HBO Wants A Soprano Film, David Chase Says No Dice

  1. Carlo staten island yes i would like to see a flim there is so many unfinshed things we would like to see for example what happens to silvo dante also who becomes boss of new york i would really like to see a movie that gets go like have a war with russians or just something in that nature

    1. Please Mr chase make the movie it would be historic not to mention make you alot of money everyone i ever known is a soprano fan die hard no less like me

  2. I think we definitely need a Sopranos movie, even if it’s a television movie to answer questions left open in the last Soprano episode.  Several things were left unanswered.  I am a huge fan of the Sopranos and greatly miss the series, I have all the seasons on dvd and watch them periodically.  I would love to have questions answered and to have new Soprano material to watch!

  3. at least two prequels are easily possible; one to see tony's father rise to power and one to see tony rise to power. no original cast members are really necessary.

  4. I would love to see a Sopranos movie. It was the fans that made the t.v. series why not rewrd us with a movie. If it will work with Sex and the City, it would surly work with The Sopranos.

  5. July, 2011

    I bought the whole collection from beg. to end and enjoyed watching.
    I think you can look at the ending from the point of view that tony ‘s life as he knew it did died. You are given the impression that he could have been gunned down, but also little italy was 40 blocks big with tony’s dad and brother being head of the family. In the beg. the envalopes where big in the end little italy was a hand full of shops and the envalopes were small to nothing. So either way you want to look at it tony’s life ended as he new it. He was eating dinner at a diner. I think about the soprano’s often, if HBO wanted they could pick up where they left off with alot of material to draw from. A movie would bring more of an ending instead of being able to enjoyment.

  6. Tony is so obviously dead. And this is clearly pointed to by chase – his allusions to the ‘you never hear in coming’ line. The reference chase made to where Sil watches the execution of Gerry Torciano. I’m sorry, you are really living in denial if you think Tony is still alive. even without all the hints chase has dropped its clear. The cut to 10 seconds of black after the man in the members only jacket ostensibly leaves the bathroom so directly point to this. I studied the whole series for my MA in film studies and if you objectivly look at the evidence you’ll come to the same conclusion. I will eat my hat if Chase brings Tony back from that, he knows he has killed him. You might get a prequel type film – in fact thats the only way they might do it as I can’t see it being made without Galdonfini. He could take a page out of David Lynchs book, perhaps “Members Only ; The last Seven days of Tony Soprano”. Add a dancing dwarf and I’ll pay money to see it. In conclusion ; no way did Tony make it out of Holsteins, I know it, you know it and more imporatantly Chase knows it. I’ll eat my own head if its ever proved that he did.

  7. the whole family and just about everyone i know are big saprano fans. We want more seasons. Tony, Paulie, and Sil are not dead yet. Hell, sil is a strong character. He can survive and build things back up. Make both make another season and a movie and make more money.

  8. I think they should definately make a movie, and I think it should start exactly where the series left off. His family has to move away for safety precautions, Silvio lives, Tony calls in help from Italy so Furio can come back, silvio makes a recovery, a new New York boss is chosen and let the war continue! And the Russian Guy that Christopher and Paulie shot in the woods comes back so Slava and the Russians get involved so Tony is at war with the Russians and the new york mob. Perfect Script!!

  9. It’s amazing how many people didn’t understand the blank screen ending. The key metaphor is in the opening scene: Tony sleeping with organ music playing like at a funeral, then suddenly he wakes up. Tony has been dead all-along but comes to life through his physical death. His transcendent self lives on through AJ’s enduring existential struggle, which ultimately manifests as a struggle for humanity (AJ’s decision to join the military). The Father lives through the Son — The Second Coming — “And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”

    A Sopranos movie???? No need, “the movie goes on and on and on” . . . .

  10. I’m not sure what you mean when you say that Tony is dead? David Chase has said that the ending is in no way meant to be dissected and speculated about and that no, Tony was not killed in the finale. Now, I realize that the ending was very ambiguous, despite what Chase has said about it. Fans will always make their own conclusion, it is their right and to a point, their duty as involved viewers. I guess all I am getting at is that we were not witness to the death of Tony Soprano, so whether fans agree or not, we may yet see a big screen Sopranos tale. As a big fan of the show, I don’t think there should be a film. It was naturally such a sprawling series and to confine it to two hours would be awkward.

  11. leave it alone. It is an amazing show and should stay as a show. No way a hour and a half film or even 2 hour film could work becuase there is just too much content for a movie to be made. Would not work

  12. David Chase more or less got the conclusion of the Soprano’s that he wanted and IMO you can’t have a Soprano’s movie without Tony and Tony is dead.

    The ending wasn’t ambiguous as some make it out to be. Chase didn’t just say here’s the answer you actually have to put 1 and 1 together to come to the answer. You experience the ending instead of being told to you.

    So NO Tony, NO Film.

  13. I personally loved the way the show ended. Its any way I want it.
    I also wish the program went on, as I still think it had a lot of juice in it creatively. A movie would be nice also but many key characters were killed off, so it may not be the same. Overall, one of the 5 greatest programs ever produced!

  14. As an avid Soprano’s fan I disagree doug. I think the fan’s deserve a Feature film. I had never watched the show so intensely then the last season, and for the build to be such a let down, broke my gangster heart. I felt cheated and upset. So David Chase should finish with a movie, and give the fans what they want. I mean JESUS CHRIST SEX AND THE CITY GOT A MOVIE!!!!

  15. I say leave it and don’t make a movie. I know HBO sees $$, but I wouldn’t pay for a Sopranos movie just like I won’t pay for a Sex and the City movie. I’m probably in the minority though.

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