Jonah Hill in Transformers 2?

Transformers 2 has already confirmed that this will continue to follow the story of Sam Witwicky as he journeys off to college and now we catch news that his roomate could be Jonah Hill.

/Film offers:

Jonah Hill is in early negotiations to costar opposite Shia LaBeouf in Transformers 2 according to EW. Hill would likely play the role of Sam’s college roommate Chuck.[CHUCK] 19-25 yrs., Sam’s roommate at Princeton. He runs a conspiracy theory website. Funny in an irreverent, edgy way, he is shocked to see his conspiracy theories come to life. (2nd Lead)

I really do like Jonah Hill for the type of movies he does and the characters he plays. I also like Transformers. Both I have a great appreciation for – but not together.

I also like peanut butter and jalepeno peppers. Just not at the same time.

I could see Jonah in the role they suggest, that is not the issue. I just have a knee jerk reaction that I wouldnt want to see them together. I think there is a little too much overlap in both of the actors’ appeal.

Shia plays the underdog. The awkward nice guy hoping to get acceptance. Jonah has a lot of that appeal as well and I love him for it.

I don’t know. Maybe it will grow on me. Maybe I will see them together and it will rock.

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14 thoughts on “Jonah Hill in Transformers 2?

  1. this isnt THAT bad of a move i mean i see it hapening. i dont think that this will kill the movie- my anticipation is taken by devastator (or w.e. theyre gonna call it)
    i mean this isnt big news- hes fitting to the human characters that were already in the movie- i mean there was humor in the movie. remember transformers is all about the relationship between humans and machines so there has to be humans- its not just about the brawling.

  2. I can’t stand this guy he is so not funny, I just saw superbad the other day and from the start I hated him i even asked my friend if he gets killed in the film and to my surprise he gets his throat slashed(which was only in daydream for his character) but still was the best part, I also don’t understand how he gets roles. I have a rule that if i know a film will have him in it it must be bad no matter what it is cause he ruins the film by being there.

  3. Sweet Jebus, NO! Why does this guy get so much work, and why is he in the movie franchise of the century. Furthermore, why is Sam going to Princeton? Sam has a freaking Transformer as a car/best friend and goes around saving the planet from evil giant robots from outerspace, yet in the midst of all of this action and adventure Sam somehow has time to muster the grades to make it into Princeton. Huh? Well, the movie is fiction so why not.

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