17 Again Trailer Online

Because there just isnt enough dreamy teen idols floating around the TMB pages, I thought I would share the trailer for Zac Efron’s 17 Again.

FirstShowing offers this description:

in essence, this is about Chandler from “Friends” suddenly turning into Zac Efron, whose best friend is Lt. Jim Dangle from “Reno 911!” and his ex-wife, who he tries to get back together with, is Judd Apatow’s wife Leslie Mann. When you think about it like that, you might be able to enjoy this just a bit more

I find myself drawn to these submystic type movies. There is no grandiose magical presence in the world but some subtle change that introduces an impossible body switch.

I don’t know why. I just LOVE these types of movies. Big, Groundhog Day, Freaky Friday, etc. Aside from some small impossible moment of magic or ritual, the rest of the world is normal and makes sense, but we get to see a fish out of water dealing with a situation that you could never prepare for.

So yeah, it doesn’t look like a vehicle to get Efron his Oscar, but it will give us a light fluffy family friendly film. As a dad I have no problem with that either. I liked Efron in Hairspray and he may one day get hired for something other than that winning smile, but for now we get this.

That and anything with Leslie Mann and Michelle Tratchenberg in it has to at least be fun to look at.

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19 thoughts on “17 Again Trailer Online

  1. Its a family friendly film no doubt littered with object lessons and situational comedy, so its been done before. No big deal.

    And the Gardner film you are thinking of is 13 going on 30. I liked that one too.

  2. Looks alright but how many times has this idea been done? Ya…Big? Wasn’t there one with Jennifer Gardner as well. Or I think she grew up as well and not grew….down.

  3. Sexually insecure people, and children, think that “gay” is the go to word to say its bad. Because they can’t think of a word that says bad any more than saying it is the thing they fear most.

    @Obiwan, I agree that it is sad that we wont see a lot of Perry. He is in my all time favourite comedy Whole Nine Yards and though he isnt a superstar, I like seeing him in stuff.

  4. Aaron, what was so as you said “gay” about the trailer? I hate when people use the word “gay” in place of “bad” and I’m straight.

    Anyway the film looks funny but to bad we won’t be able to see much of Chandler.

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